Asking for God’s Help

There can’t be any clearer expression of God than the love that comes through the sincere heart. That heart is making a direct call to the highest possible frequency on this planet, and in this Universe and beyond. When that connection, that bond is made with God, the answer comes, the help comes, and the joy comes. But to experience this, one must be open to receive it as well. It’s an exchange. It’s a sacred marriage between the human self and the Divine self. There’s unquestionable freedom in knowing that beyond all the uncertainty and insanity in this world, that unity is 100% reliable.

You cannot make any guarantees in this world because life isn’t something that remains static. It’s unpredictable because you have choice, and everyone else has choice. And as you bring those choices together in alchemy the result of that is unknown until it completes. What can guide it though is clear, sacred intention and alignment to the Spirits of Christ.

In understanding this then, it’s remarkable that so very many people remain unaware of these important choices, so many have chosen to give their consent to the manipulators and deceivers, and so many are numb to the true meaning of their existence. This is why the Krystal Guardians are moving heaven and earth to liberate humanity now from all the artificial, anti-life manipulations that have enslaved and imprisoned God’s creations and prevented them from flourishing.

This timing in our soul evolution isn’t just about change. It’s about the most remarkable change, that only comes along after 26,000 years of evolutionary expansion, to realign with the neutron fields or Zero Point God Matrix. Think of neutron fields as the rebalanced particle relationship of the electron/male with the proton/female that creates the neutral intelligence of the Cosmic Christos Consciousness. It’s been difficult to overcome the atrocity of the alien invasion and galactic wars, due to the devastating splitting of the gender principles, and separation from our Cosmic Parents. This meant that our Beloved Solar Rishi-Reisha were unable to bring their Presence to Earth to help us. Until now. The Solar Rishi-Reisha is the Universal Trinity of the Emerald Order, Amethyst Order and Gold Order that respectively hold the ray expressions of the Mother Arc, Father Arc and Golden Ray Sun of Christos. This is the trinity Godhead from which all biological life is created. Now they have returned and integrated into the matter realms of our reality allowing for the profound timeline and architectural changes to our planet, as well as the cellular transformations we’re now experiencing on personal, collective and planetary levels.

We truly can’t look to the future of Earth without recognizing that we wouldn’t be here if there had not been some kind of Divine intervention countless times in our history. It may not look like that on the surface. This is when it appears that random disasters and catastrophes sealed the fate of where humanity journeyed next. But nothing has been without some orchestration by the Christ forces to counter the anti-Christ forces. With every advancement toward our freedom the negative forces strike back. This has been the war, and it continues to be the war for humanity’s consciousness. Now would be the time to see this clearly, to see that what is really at stake on Earth is the way forward to peace, and to act accordingly. We are moving in that direction no question, and at the same time, each person’s inner clarity about their choices matters. Each person agreed to be here. Each person chose to play their part. And if you can see that God is protecting and keeping humanity safe, it encourages you to keep choosing what fortifies that God connection – even when it seems that you can barely go on, when finding the energy to make that choice feels arduous.

God is keeping watch over the Divine children of Earth and intending that there be that direct relationship with each and every one, so that nobody continues to succumb to the hungry demonic vultures that want to interfere with God’s power in the sacred human heart. Sadly, some humans have already chosen to be slaves, though unknowingly deceived. Others have fallen, trapped. Some are lost because their hearts feel wounded and betrayed. All it takes though is an opening, a sincere and direct request to God for help to embrace what is being offered: to live in harmlessness, in compassion, in forgiveness, in self-responsibility, and truth. No matter how far away this connection seems, the choice to connect is fully available at any given moment.

This applies as humans go about their day-to-day lives. It applies at the time that a person drops their body. It applies at the most heart-wrenching and difficult times, and equally so when all is well. But know that your God connection is more powerful than the lies and deceptions that have created immeasurable pain. Know that at those moments when you want to give up because it’s just too much, God is present.

Why still pay attention to your choices if we’re ascending? Because this is still what is needed to move through the targeting, the divide-and-conquer, the victimization, the demoralization and dehumanization, and genocide agendas that are still intended by the negative forces.

This is what will assure the continued return and anchoring of the hiero-gamic union of Cosmic Christos Emerald Dragons King Arthur and Queen Guinevere and the Triple Solar Masculine and Triple Solar Feminine emanations. That activated sacred marriage is the final signal to humanity that we have been reclaimed and been remembered as the children of our Cosmic Parents, the Christos-Sophia.

The Emerald Order and Amethyst/Ruby Order Returns have been underway for a while now. Thank you God! Very recently, the Gold Ray Records that hold the God intelligence to the Seraphim Angelic Human inner Christos-Sophia were once again activated for further amplification, to reclaim the Seraphim Diamond Sun genetics. At the 2020 Winter Solstice Gold Body activation, Cosmic Solar Masculine Christ-Michael and Cosmic Solar Feminine Mary-Sophia were reunited, and from this began the return of their triple solar expressions. While that activation provided the potential for every human to embody the Angelic Human Gold Sun Solar Body as their ascending vehicle, this recent amplification anchored the RA center in the Earth body, allowing ripples of consciousness expansion on all levels by enhancing the functionality of the human lightbody.

On a personal lightbody level, the RA center relates to the 14th dimension Pale Gold Ray chakra at the top of the 12D shield, and is otherwise known as the RA Shield. These energies move down into the 3D solar plexus into a teardrop formation. This reconfigures the mental body layer into a gold orb body, and becomes the RA stillpoint. This helps to transfigure the lunar energies of the 1st and 2nd dimensions to the Solar Sacrum, and merges our inner spiritual light with our will center. Some people have already embodied this in dimensions 1-3.

Each person will participate with this recent Gold Order Return according to their embodiment level, given that, including the above-mentioned 3D Yellow Hara Center, there are 6 main Hara Centers or consciousness centers throughout the lightbody dimensions. They bring in the HA RA tones of the Gold Ray Seraphim [Angelic Human origins], and these are the crystals that regulate the flow of energy intelligence through the chakra seeds along the vertical hara line, and then into the lightbody horizontal, vertical and diagonal channels.

As a minimum, this activation provides the potential for every human to strengthen their solar power center, and ignite the nadial complex that houses the feeling-sensory body of the soul’s heart complex. With the nadial complex being the etheric blueprint of the nervous system, it strengthens the physical-etheric body’s digestive system, fascia, cardio-vascular system, and the flow of life force to the physical body. So, while the 3D Yellow Sun Star and RA center is in the 3rd dimension that we typically associate with the lower collective consciousness, it’s functioning through this crystal consciousness portal is far more profound. This is a positive turn for supporting global awakening!

You can well imagine that in order to maximize your benefit from this recent amplification, your participation matters. Continued clearing of the negative ego is essential, to clear mind control programs and obfuscation, the reversal anti-life patterns and suppressions, the trauma and triggers that cause people to react, and the pain that disempowers. It’s the houses of ego that open the lightbody to dark force control.

The other 5 main hara points also distribute energy through the lightbody allowing the personal God connection to expand into the planetary core of the earth and through to galactic and Universal levels. For those embodying higher consciousness from the 8D to 12D, the Gold Hara Center is central to the current restoration of the Gold Order Records, and continued healing of timeline trigger events and traumas is helpful. For those who undertake healing work with me, personal hara center adjustments may arise organically in your session as they have in the past.

You can see that we’re being strengthened for the all-important collective disclosure event that we’re anticipating. When you consider that there are varying levels of consciousness in the tri-furcating timelines, people’s egoic reactions could create a lot of chaos and instability – more than now. Still, we must trust that if we, as a collective, have been brought this far to override all the dark intentions to harm and kill humanity, then it also stands that we will be held in the utmost protection and care possible moving forward. We can trust in our benevolent Cosmic Parents to lift those burdens from humanity that would blind us to this gift of ascension. The natural law of Cosmic Christos Consciousness is harmlessness, and anything is possible! At this moment, we may not know how this can happen, but we can intend it, and make this our prayer.

The direct relationship with God that we cultivate in our sincere hearts now, prepares us and our loved ones for the journey ahead, to be fearless as the Eternal Light that we are.


With loving gratitude to Lisa Renee of for her clarity and for some of this information presented.

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Listen: 15:48 mins. (first turn off the website’s background chant – top right of this page)


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2024 (Amâeil) Melinda Urban