Sacred, Inner Balance - Awakening to Your Authentic Spirit

authentic power, essence, authenticity, unique expression

Your Solar Power

The earth is not evolving in a way that is expected nor is it evolving in a way that will take us out of existence. What we have is an in-between. While we live our ‘everyday’, our Earth and our lightbodies are under construction and upgrades, many unprecedented. Generally, we are moving away from what was under dark force and lunar control and into solar consciousness. However, this is a […] Read more »

Welcoming the Authentic Masculine – no more imposters

There has been a version of the masculine principle on this Earth that has been an imposter to the authentic masculine. However, recently, the true Holy Father once again expanded his expression to extend more loving support to the Holy Mother and to all of God’s children – us. He is our protector during our ascension. The lies that we have lived by were given to us by the Reptilians, […] Read more »


This article is intended to bring clarity to an important change taking place in the inner realms. While so much is transpiring in the outer world and in our Universal Time Matrix, there is a shift of epic proportions transpiring within. Most people will feel some rendition of this in their hearts. While others will feel it deeply and allow the changes to create a new reality. If you take […] Read more »

Honouring Our Divine Alchemy

When there’s something in the energy field that flows outward and then moves that energy to a place of zero-point or stillness it’s considered a field of creation. Meaning, it holds a patterning of Krystal architecture that expands and fills the consciousness field with a frequency of highest proportions. It can be considered Divine architecture. However, on planet Earth there’s been a great of destruction to this architecture, as though […] Read more »

Overriding Reversals with the Divine Father

It’s hard to imagine that at one time our entire Universe was completely organic and fully aligned with God consciousness. It was far different than what we’ve known, which has been a blended reality where organic life has been heavily infiltrated with artificial intelligence (AI) systems. These AI systems that are unnatural and harmful to human life are predicated on a distortion of life that we call metatronic reversal codes, […] Read more »

Inner Revolutions

If it isn’t yet apparent from the last three years, make no mistake, that as we travel the road of life, the sign on the overpass is flashing in neon lights: “POTENT CHANGE AHEAD”. Let that land for a moment. Then check within: did you get excited, groan or worry? This acknowledgment of what awaits can set off a number of questions ricocheting through the mind that may distill to […] Read more »

Cosmic Heart Unification

May 2023 be a very beautiful year of graceful flourishing change for you and for all. The first month of 2023 has already flown by with an intense start as we feel more of the rapid changes and instability. I understand that we can expect the entire year to move rapidly. Despite all the revelations, egoic posturing, speculations, theatrics, and desperately nonsensical controlling endeavours to make it a frighteningly inhumane […] Read more »

The Case of the Persistent Pounding Heart

The timelines have shifted so remarkably and opened consciousness potential to such a vast degree, but the link is still the heart. There are a number of valuable lessons being shared that apply now more than ever. It can be supportive if you take the time to acknowledge how these may be true for you personally as well. There are always layers and nuances to your spiritual growth. If we […] Read more »

Calling the Creator

In this moment, as we unite through this prayer, let the truth be known that we are the ones who are holding steady amidst the darkness rising out from our Earth. This prayer is for you so that you may be fortified in your inner light and set free to be in your highest expression as One with God and One with Peace. Beloved Holy Presence of the Holy Cosmic […] Read more »