Other Affirming Offers

In addition to one-on-one healing sessions, in which I integrate several profound healing techniques for highly-effective shifts in consciousness, I also provide these stand-alone services, if you feel they would be helpful to you. These services are most suited to those new to inner healing work.


I understand that it’s sometimes more difficult to receive clear inner guidance for yourself when it pertains to an issue of inner conflict.  This is why you may seek guidance from someone like me.

Please consider, that while it’s tempting to have someone else give you insights through an intuitive reading, I consider this to be information gathering rather than healing. It does not address the cause of your concern. Readings of this nature are also not the purpose of my services: my purpose is to help you develop your consciousness and learn to support yourself.

It’s much more valuable to you to explore your own consciousness, with my guidance, and heal your concerns at the causal level so that you create lasting change. Bringing clarity to your concern is always part of a healing session. In addition, through the healing process, you can develop your own capacity to receive your own inner guidance with greater clarity.

Therefore, an intuitive reading is better suited to those who are just being introduced to spiritual self-awareness and/or those not interested in their spiritual development.

Please consider booking a healing session rather than seeking an intuitive reading. This is what’s required 99% of the time since the spiritual journey is 99% emotional/mental healing. One question to ask yourself that can help you to discern your need is: “Do I want to change something about this issue in my life and the impact it’s having on me?” If you answer ‘yes’, you’re looking for healing and not an intuitive reading.

Intuitive readings are not offered for entertainment purposes but only to those sincere in their need for direction.  Please do not request a reading for someone else or about someone else for whom you are not responsible.

The format undertaken for an intuitive reading is a one-hour question-and-answer, which often allows for answering 4-5 specific questions. Please prioritize your questions in case we are unable to answer them all due to time constraints.  These sessions do not provide you with any healing facilitation and exploration, and the guidance given is to be taken as suggestions for your consideration, not binding directives or to tell you what decisions to make for your life.


This is similar to hands-on healing, whereby energy frequencies are directed to your energy field to clear energy blockages and restore energy flow. In my case, however, I offer sessions long-distance. I work as a vessel for God-Source Light and engage with the support of Krystal Guardian Light Beings in alignment with Cosmic Christ Unity Consciousness and natural Universal Laws. (Please note that this is not Reiki.)


This is an excellent tool if you are new to your healing journey. I’m happy to support you to teach you this simple but highly supportive tapping technique that helps release unsupportive beliefs by tapping on your energy meridian points. I can also teach you how to go deeper with the process to release deeper layers. If you’re working to heal a particular area of concern, we use that as an example in this educational session.

Please note that this is not a substitute for healing sessions that I offer.

PAST LIFE REGRESSION – an organic aspect of healing sessions

Our souls carry the energy of many lives with many experiences, and some energies continue to be limiting in this lifetime’s journey.

Past life information will naturally surface during one-on-one healing sessions, when past life patterns, beliefs or emotions are still a part of your ego’s story that we are exploring. Intuitively, you may know, and I will know, when the energy feels beyond this lifetime. We then explore the core limiting patterns and the influences that you are still reliving, learn from them, and release them.

 [HB_testimonial]“Melinda is a masterful trail-blazer – she knew all the right questions to ask and areas to explore. Her intuition and wisdom helped me to clearly define my purpose and her enthusiasm for the work was truly inspiring.[/HB_testimonial]

Are you seeking healing change?

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