
referring to the multiple (15) dimensions of the human energy architecture

Your Solar Power

The earth is not evolving in a way that is expected nor is it evolving in a way that will take us out of existence. What we have is an in-between. While we live our ‘everyday’, our Earth and our lightbodies are under construction and upgrades, many unprecedented. Generally, we are moving away from what was under dark force and lunar control and into solar consciousness. However, this is a […] Read more »

Light Up the World

You cannot move forward by simply wishing it to be so without some consideration for where you are now. You cannot hold yourself where you are now and expect that nothing will change. Nor can you sit idle without some consideration of how the planet is moving ahead. You can however be present to what is forefront within you and pay close attention to what is arising and what is […] Read more »

Answering God’s Call

In the early days of my healing practice, I used to hear this a lot: “When am I going to get it?” People had a sense that something had not “snapped into place”, they were “not on board”, or not “stepping up”. It was for this reason that they had not aligned to their Spirit, and they were seeking that magical puzzle piece. For those journeying a while, it now […] Read more »

Protecting Yourself from Black Magic

Would it surprise you to know that you’ve been living every day of your life fooled by black magic? At present, far from done, the dark forces are amplifying ways to manipulate humanity. They have their deceptions, their tried-and-true strategies, that they’ve been using secretly and subliminally for thousands of years. Now, it’s like watching the insanity of their desperate magical thinking run amok. They’re reaching new levels of absurdism […] Read more »

“Above Majestic” Documentary – the Secret Space Program

Above Majestic is a shocking and provocative look at what it would take to hide a multi-trillion-dollar Secret Space Program (a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads charged with reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology also known as “Majestic 12”) from the public and the implications this would have for humanity. Viewers will be guided through take a deep dive into the origins, technologies, history, cover ups, conspiracies, testimony and research […] Read more »

The Freedom of Knowing Your Eternal Self

To truly feel free you have to know who you are and of what you’re capable as a Divine being. You’re Eternal. You can keep looking outside of you for safety and answers but the true security and the answers are within. If you don’t know that you’re Eternal, you’re bound by a program that your physical death is the end of you. At a minimum it’s a lie, and […] Read more »

The Matrix of Control

The Matrix of Control Beyond its 3D Manifestation PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO with discernment, so that HUMAN BEINGS MAY KNOW THE TRUTH and we can EACH BE EMPOWERED to CHOOSE our FREEDOM at this CRITICAL TIME. This short video gives an overview of the hyperdimensional matrix, occult forces, and what it takes to transcend the matrix on the path towards Awakening. Written and narrated by Bernhard Guenther Video and […] Read more »

Grieving Our Losses and Humanity’s Fall

I remember it. More accurately I would say that I’ve felt it – the fall of humanity’s consciousness. I have felt the excruciating anguish, the pain, and the intense cosmic rage. This trauma is in the collective memory. It’s resided in our cells all along, but now, it’s more accessible than ever before, creating both liberation and challenges. The planetary consciousness is awakening into soul embodiment, the 5th dimension of […] Read more »

Discerning Fear vs. Truth

looking through a lens

Discerning truth from fear programs is critical now, though not always easy. On Earth, fear is pushed as truth, and truth is feared. Fear has been wound tightly into our brains, cellular memory and energy fields. The instinctual and limbic brains naturally serve to register fear, but their capacities have been rendered less discriminating by being pummeled with deceptive games, anti-life agendas, holographic mind control, transhumanism, splitting of masculine and […] Read more »

Pay Attention to Your Heart

Whether you are feeling it or not, we have collectively shifted our consciousness into the 4-6D soul matrix of the next Harmonic Universe. We’ve been preparing for this, and at the end of 2017, we anchored into the 5th dimension. How 2018 and beyond will play out exactly is unknown until we live it. However, to navigate the impact on your experience, remember the key phrase “pay attention to my […] Read more »