awakening to truth

truth refers to your true multi-dimensional nature and soul-spirit, beyond ego and inorganic states

Mindful in the Unknown

The spiritual journey takes us forward through time and space as though we’re following a spiral of energy, even if we don’t know where it leads. And as we make our way along that path, we find that sometimes there’s a pause. This is when it can feel like we’re in the dark – when life doesn’t unfold the way we imagined, and especially when Divine support comes in very […] Read more »

Sept. 20, 2023 – 1 Million March for Children

On Wednesday, Sept. 20th there is a Canada-wide peaceful protest “1 Million Person March for Children”: #LeaveOurKidsAlone. It’s intended to peacefully protest the transgender agenda being imposed on children through schools and other means. Dr. Bahira Abdulsalam explains the intention behind this grass-roots movement in the video and what has precipitated these gatherings. Please join me in prayer. Beloved Holy Presence of God and All Krystal Guardians defending God’s children, […] Read more »

Protecting Yourself from Black Magic

Would it surprise you to know that you’ve been living every day of your life fooled by black magic? At present, far from done, the dark forces are amplifying ways to manipulate humanity. They have their deceptions, their tried-and-true strategies, that they’ve been using secretly and subliminally for thousands of years. Now, it’s like watching the insanity of their desperate magical thinking run amok. They’re reaching new levels of absurdism […] Read more »

For all Parents: 3 Perspectives on the Transgender Mind Control Program

I highly recommend these 3 valuable videos to ALL parents with children, regardless of whether your child expresses an interest in transitioning or not because they are exposed to this mind control epidemic in many ways from schools, classmates, social media, recreational programs and television, and need the support from clear-minded adults to help them through the confusion being created so that they will not know themselves in their authenticity. […] Read more »

Trans Clinic Whistleblower Speaks Out 

  Trans Clinic Whistleblower Speaks Out  Essential viewing for every parent. For your discernment. A frank discussion about how children are being abused by the trans agenda and fast-tracked through trans clinics. Her testimony covers what specifically happens at clinics but also offers insight into why: the indoctrination by social media and schools, distortion on consent, the medical “machine”, and the lack of tolerance for truth even when a child’s […] Read more »

Moving Beyond What We Think We Know

As I’ve been listening to some alternative broadcasters of late, I’ve picked up on a subtle repeating pattern: what they’re saying about the future is sometimes based on the history of the past. And while there is some validity to this, it just can’t be right now. The closed mind says, “It’s been like this many times before so this is the way it is now. I know how this […] Read more »

Understanding Transgenderism & How to Support Your Child

For children, younger or older, to experiment with their appearance, talents, language, or any part of the personality expression is a healthy aspect of coming to know themselves. There is in this a desire to find what resonates with their own heart and soul. If only this were an organic process! There is no doubt that children are influenced by experiences from the moment they take on a body and […] Read more »

Witness to the Dismantling of the Medical System

This is a “MUST WATCH” video, especially if you live in Canada and in Ontario. In this video Glen Jung of Bright Light News, Attorney Michael Alexander, and Covid Integral Doctors Luchkiw, Phillips, and Trozzi share information about their case currently before the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario and what transpired in their direct experiences that lead to their persecution by the College. You will be hearing about […] Read more »

Let’s Remember and Change the Exploitation of Children

Today there is yet another revelation in the media of how some companies operate from anti-Christ principles, with an agenda to exploit children. With discernment, see Tucker Carlson’s report: Tucker Carlson: This is a dangerous cult Apparently, Spanish fashion company Balenciaga apologized for its latest ad campaign that featured children holding plush teddy bear bags accessorized with bondage gear after it sparked outrage on social media and drew accusations of sexualizing children. The luxury […] Read more »