
transformation of any nature; in body, mind, emotions, life circumstance

Mindful in the Unknown

The spiritual journey takes us forward through time and space as though we’re following a spiral of energy, even if we don’t know where it leads. And as we make our way along that path, we find that sometimes there’s a pause. This is when it can feel like we’re in the dark – when life doesn’t unfold the way we imagined, and especially when Divine support comes in very […] Read more »

Sept. 20, 2023 – 1 Million March for Children

On Wednesday, Sept. 20th there is a Canada-wide peaceful protest “1 Million Person March for Children”: #LeaveOurKidsAlone. It’s intended to peacefully protest the transgender agenda being imposed on children through schools and other means. Dr. Bahira Abdulsalam explains the intention behind this grass-roots movement in the video and what has precipitated these gatherings. Please join me in prayer. Beloved Holy Presence of God and All Krystal Guardians defending God’s children, […] Read more »

Inner Revolutions

If it isn’t yet apparent from the last three years, make no mistake, that as we travel the road of life, the sign on the overpass is flashing in neon lights: “POTENT CHANGE AHEAD”. Let that land for a moment. Then check within: did you get excited, groan or worry? This acknowledgment of what awaits can set off a number of questions ricocheting through the mind that may distill to […] Read more »

Moving Beyond What We Think We Know

As I’ve been listening to some alternative broadcasters of late, I’ve picked up on a subtle repeating pattern: what they’re saying about the future is sometimes based on the history of the past. And while there is some validity to this, it just can’t be right now. The closed mind says, “It’s been like this many times before so this is the way it is now. I know how this […] Read more »

With Unwavering Conviction

The time is coming in our lives now when there is no turning back. In fact, that moment has long passed. But it’s to say that if we do try to turn back, if we place our focus in the past self, the old self, then we are giving ourselves the opportunity to move into what is called a descension. This is not to be judged as wrong, and certainly […] Read more »

The Lies I Told Myself

If you were to take a snapshot right now of what’s taking place in the outer reality, you would see that the majority of people are looking through a lens that is shattered by falsity. They are seeing one version of a reality and it’s not the only version of reality. For many that reality is filled with doubts and fears that supersede the truth of the core of who […] Read more »

Perspectives on Current Global Events Jan 12/21- Kerry Cassidy

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Kerry Cassidy of offers a balanced up-date regarding war between light and dark that we see playing out in the media, largely in the US, but now rapidly extending globally. Currently free on her website: Kerry’s Video Blog Jan 12, 2021 Overview of What’s Happening The Revolution and War This is an excellent confirmation of my last article: “Things Are Not as They Appear. Thank you God!” […] Read more »

Prayer to Move Through Change

Beloved Holy Presence of Mother-Father God and Christos-Sophia, Beloved Krystal Guardians and all Christ Families Serving the Law of One, I AM your compassionate witness in God’s Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, and hold heart-felt blessings for all courageous souls experiencing unprecedented change at this time on Earth. May the flow of Divine life free our bodies, minds and hearts from the burdens of pain, dis-ease, heartache, illusions and disconnection […] Read more »

Child and Human Trafficking

PLEASE WATCH and SHARE – I highly recommend the following videos for your review and discernment. If you are a parent your informed awareness of this is essential. If you care about truth, your informed awareness of this topic is also essential, since child trafficking and human trafficking – modern day slavery – is a worldwide epidemic, and central to the Negative Alien Agenda. Caution: may be emotionally triggering. Please […] Read more »

Overriding the Parasitic War

There’s no question: we’re in a spiritual war between the Light and dark. The restrictions we’re experiencing didn’t begin a few months ago. We’ve been suppressed for thousands of years, not just by service-to-self humans but those extraterrestrials who provide the material and energetic resources to uphold the anti-life agenda down the hierarchy. When Earth was invaded and our consciousness fell there began a long history of systematic control of […] Read more »