Reclaiming Your Truth - Ascension & Multi-dimensionality

ascension up-dates, Lightbody knowledge, holographic ascension clearing (AoA Hieros Gamos Healing Intelligence)

Mindful in the Unknown

The spiritual journey takes us forward through time and space as though we’re following a spiral of energy, even if we don’t know where it leads. And as we make our way along that path, we find that sometimes there’s a pause. This is when it can feel like we’re in the dark – when life doesn’t unfold the way we imagined, and especially when Divine support comes in very […] Read more »

Your Solar Power

The earth is not evolving in a way that is expected nor is it evolving in a way that will take us out of existence. What we have is an in-between. While we live our ‘everyday’, our Earth and our lightbodies are under construction and upgrades, many unprecedented. Generally, we are moving away from what was under dark force and lunar control and into solar consciousness. However, this is a […] Read more »

Welcoming the Authentic Masculine – no more imposters

There has been a version of the masculine principle on this Earth that has been an imposter to the authentic masculine. However, recently, the true Holy Father once again expanded his expression to extend more loving support to the Holy Mother and to all of God’s children – us. He is our protector during our ascension. The lies that we have lived by were given to us by the Reptilians, […] Read more »

Light Up the World

You cannot move forward by simply wishing it to be so without some consideration for where you are now. You cannot hold yourself where you are now and expect that nothing will change. Nor can you sit idle without some consideration of how the planet is moving ahead. You can however be present to what is forefront within you and pay close attention to what is arising and what is […] Read more »


This article is intended to bring clarity to an important change taking place in the inner realms. While so much is transpiring in the outer world and in our Universal Time Matrix, there is a shift of epic proportions transpiring within. Most people will feel some rendition of this in their hearts. While others will feel it deeply and allow the changes to create a new reality. If you take […] Read more »

Honouring Our Divine Alchemy

When there’s something in the energy field that flows outward and then moves that energy to a place of zero-point or stillness it’s considered a field of creation. Meaning, it holds a patterning of Krystal architecture that expands and fills the consciousness field with a frequency of highest proportions. It can be considered Divine architecture. However, on planet Earth there’s been a great of destruction to this architecture, as though […] Read more »

Anchoring Trust

There is something to be said for the fact that even though there are relentless attempts by the negative forces to destroy humanity’s freedoms right now, humanity continues to rise. Why would that be if humans have been so repressed for so long? How is it possible that humanity as a whole is ascending when the controller’s agenda just seems to be marching on? At this timing in our universal […] Read more »

Answering God’s Call

In the early days of my healing practice, I used to hear this a lot: “When am I going to get it?” People had a sense that something had not “snapped into place”, they were “not on board”, or not “stepping up”. It was for this reason that they had not aligned to their Spirit, and they were seeking that magical puzzle piece. For those journeying a while, it now […] Read more »

Prayer for Personal Health Freedom & Nation Sovereignty

I call upon my Highest Expression and embodiment of my True Nature, to join in Unity with the Beloved Holy Presence of Mother-Father God and Christos-Sophia in all your expanding expressions of love for Earth, and all Krystal Guardian and Aurora families serving God’s Natural Laws and defending Earth during our ascension now. As the Light of God that I AM, as the Love of God that I AM, as […] Read more »

Receiving the Gifts of Krist-Krystallah

Earth has been changing in its energy architecture resulting in a permanent and profound change to the manner in which consciousness-energy moves from the unmanifest to manifest. For those acknowledging our global awakening and reaching for a better world, it’s helpful to appreciate that this means there’s a great deal of potential to change what we manifest as our personal reality. And we’ve been given the sacred blueprint! The gift […] Read more »