Your Solar Power

The earth is not evolving in a way that is expected nor is it evolving in a way that will take us out of existence. What we have is an in-between. While we live our ‘everyday’, our Earth and our lightbodies are under construction and upgrades, many unprecedented. Generally, we are moving away from what was under dark force and lunar control and into solar consciousness. However, this is a […] Read more »

Protecting Yourself from Black Magic

Would it surprise you to know that you’ve been living every day of your life fooled by black magic? At present, far from done, the dark forces are amplifying ways to manipulate humanity. They have their deceptions, their tried-and-true strategies, that they’ve been using secretly and subliminally for thousands of years. Now, it’s like watching the insanity of their desperate magical thinking run amok. They’re reaching new levels of absurdism […] Read more »

For all Parents: 3 Perspectives on the Transgender Mind Control Program

I highly recommend these 3 valuable videos to ALL parents with children, regardless of whether your child expresses an interest in transitioning or not because they are exposed to this mind control epidemic in many ways from schools, classmates, social media, recreational programs and television, and need the support from clear-minded adults to help them through the confusion being created so that they will not know themselves in their authenticity. […] Read more »

Understanding Transgenderism & How to Support Your Child

For children, younger or older, to experiment with their appearance, talents, language, or any part of the personality expression is a healthy aspect of coming to know themselves. There is in this a desire to find what resonates with their own heart and soul. If only this were an organic process! There is no doubt that children are influenced by experiences from the moment they take on a body and […] Read more »

Are You Choosing Peace Over War?

With the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine (or any other war) it’s helpful to remember a few things to hold perspective: There are always at least 3 sides to every conflict, within which somewhere lies truth. Things are not always as they appear. Very often life is not black and white, and trying to make it so can create blindspots and wishful thinking. All-or-nothing and black-and-white thinking is easier, […] Read more »

Key Illusions Right Now

Illusion- definition: perception of something objectively existing in such a way as to cause misinterpretation of its actual nature; a pattern capable of reversible perspective Whenever anyone is in a consciousness trap – a false narrative, it’s helpful to name it. Sometimes that can be the beginning of ‘lifting the veil’ to truth and freedom. Please take what resonates and do your own research.   Some Key Illusions Right Now […] Read more »

Life is Repeating Itself. Is it?

If you were to paint a picture of yourself in the future you would paint the most wonderful you, right? Not the one necessarily that would bring you the most money, or the most fame, or the greatest ease. Instead, you would see yourself in the life version that would be truly meaningful and valued by you. Is this what you would choose? In this reality, right now, we have […] Read more »

Shock & Awe

We’ve come upon a time in humanity’s history where lies can no longer be hidden. The manipulations of the dark forces have been compounded for thousands of years, hijacking our reality with a complex alien, inorganic architecture enmeshed with artificial intelligence.  But this architecture, which runs reversal/anti-life frequencies and black magic, and which has been responsible for sexual misery, pedophilia and human trafficking, addiction, mind control, dis-ease, trauma, and more, […] Read more »