
an aspect of the human being that is based in fear of all forms

Your Solar Power

The earth is not evolving in a way that is expected nor is it evolving in a way that will take us out of existence. What we have is an in-between. While we live our ‘everyday’, our Earth and our lightbodies are under construction and upgrades, many unprecedented. Generally, we are moving away from what was under dark force and lunar control and into solar consciousness. However, this is a […] Read more »

Worrying About the Future?

Why worry? I mean what’s the purpose of worry? So many people worry that it would seem to be some handy way to navigate life’s surprises and plot twists. No? Then the better question might be “What’s the illusion in worry?” The ego worrier has only one job and that’s to stay fixated on something pending. It wrestles with that repeatedly and can sound something like this: “I hope it’s […] Read more »

How Do I Trust When My Reality Turns Upside Down?

upside down reality

Like many, you may have the most difficulty trusting Spirit when you are faced with a sudden or shocking experience such as a lost job, sudden illness, an accident, or an end to a significant relationship. It can create a jolt to your perception of reality and shake your foundation that is your sense of stability and security. You may want to trust, but struggle with fear. Unfortunately, the fear […] Read more »

Be Wonder-full to Heal Your Ego

I remember watching my baby great-niece notice her finger the first time. Captivated, she swept it slowly through the air and followed it closely with her eyes. Enthralled, she did it three more times and giggled with sheer delight. It’s this capacity to wonder about herself and her world that will propel her in her growth and brilliant discoveries. But this is true for everyone! Our amazement is our God-given […] Read more »

Valuing Yourself

a loving reflection

The question isn’t whether you’re valuable. That you are is a given. You have to be or do nothing more than exist. You’re a Creation – irreplaceable. The more meaningful question is, “Do I accept that I AM valuable?” Many people keep trying to claim this into their heart by searching for evidence from comparisons of appearance, wealth, status, material possessions, abilities, connections, or accomplishments. They test their worth according […] Read more »

Separation Anxiety

Anxiety is a form of fear, not love. It is mired in ego illusion. The deep illusion is separation from God. If we do not see that we are God we will forever see God as outside of us, and immediately, God is a thing with which we have to develop relationship. Given that this God is often seen as vastly larger than the small “me”, this perspective renders us […] Read more »

Releasing Attachments


Everything is shifting, expect the unexpected, don’t rely on what was, and what’s coming is uncertain. So, there’s only one place to go with all that – within.  If you’re feeling that you’re losing control, be grateful. Control is the ego’s coping strategy: hanging on to something outside of itself that it imagines it needs to feel good. It’s a story of false satisfaction and tenuous security. To keep playing […] Read more »

Do You Say What You Mean?

Humans seem to have great deal of difficulty communicating with one another. We sometimes don’t listen well, we can speak at cross purposes, or make assumptions about what’s being said. We often beat around the bush when something is difficult to say, or we can trip over our words when we are unclear with ourselves. I have a cellular memory of times when communication was more telepathic and so much […] Read more »

Critics and Doubters – How Do You Deal With Them?

yelling inner critic

Your worst doubters and critics are not the people outside of you – they will always come and go. The worst are those inside your own spiritual house, attempting to usurp your power. The inner critic doesn’t miss an opportunity to visit you with criticism, attacking and devaluing you in some way, even if it’s your shining moment. It can be accusatory, demanding, and always makes you wrong. Immediately, this […] Read more »