Accepting Your Self Right Now

If you allow your patience to lead you out of egoic tantrums, demands and manipulations, you will find God. Not a God that will provide everything that you want, but a God that is your greatest ally and the one that will bring you through the most challenging lessons of this life. Why is this so important for you to know now? You are being faced with choices right now […] Read more »

Valuing Yourself

a loving reflection

The question isn’t whether you’re valuable. That you are is a given. You have to be or do nothing more than exist. You’re a Creation – irreplaceable. The more meaningful question is, “Do I accept that I AM valuable?” Many people keep trying to claim this into their heart by searching for evidence from comparisons of appearance, wealth, status, material possessions, abilities, connections, or accomplishments. They test their worth according […] Read more »

The Gift of Discouragement

Discouragement can feel awful. It’s heavy in the body and it can seem like your life force is being siphoned. (Sometimes it is!) It can be enmeshed with grief, anger, disappointment, confusion, despair, and other painful emotions. The thoughts that pervade your mind can be stuck in a mental looping of futility. You may replay a story: “I’ve tried and tried and nothing seems to work. I have persevered and […] Read more »

Dark Night or Depression?


As Earth dissolves in its ego-driven reality and shifts into the soul body, a global ‘dark night of the soul’ is currently occurring. Many more individuals are awakening. Spiritual emergence often comes through a significant life change or crisis. When those things in life that we use as identifiers (marriage, career, job, health, financial wealth) begin to fall away or are lost, we are often pushed to look within, and […] Read more »

Recognizing the Pattern of Addiction

sine wave

Addiction patterns are rampant on this planet, not only because there is much unhealed pain, but because mind control and genetic manipulation has ensured that its destructive force is carried from generation to generation. We need only look at the multitude of ways that people cope with life’s pain to see that humanity at large keeps living from lower vibrations: alcoholism and drugs, sex, obsessions, greed, status, materialism, and victimization. […] Read more »

How to Transcend the Search for Acceptance


– accepting the difference between ‘should’ve’, ‘could’ve’ and ‘can’t’ As a psychotherapist, I hear it again and again – the cry of the wounded, inner child: “if only…”, “I wish they had…”, “they should have…”, and “one day they will…” This wishful thinking about Mom and Dad is often at the root of much of life’s dissatisfactions – wishing things to be different than they are. Even if you have […] Read more »

Know Your Sub-personalities

multiple selves

A sub-personality is part of your ego that has been created out of some need fulfillment in childhood, and stays with you as a way of coping. For example, the insecure boy becomes a bully, the girl who suffered much criticism becomes a perfectionist, and the child who didn’t get approval becomes a people pleaser. People often have several sub-personalities and these usually collude with one another. For instance, the […] Read more »

When Will ‘More’ Be Enough for You?

sad little boy

‘More’ – it’s a word that’s used profusely, full of hope and selling fulfillment. It seems that no matter where you turn, someone is offering you more – more food, more success, or more financial security, as though this will solve your craving. Seldom does this satisfy when made in promise of ego-gratification. Instead, consider that this four-letter word can be the source of much of your pain. ‘More’ likely […] Read more »

Adapting and Accepting Change

sign - road work ahead

Last month I wrote about the three stages of transition (awareness, acceptance and action) to help you during these times of immense change on Earth. Currently the ego’s perception of reality is being dismantled, and corruption, mental dis-ease, dysfunction, enslavement, deception, and false dependency are becoming increasingly transparent. All areas of our lives are being affected: jobs, relationships, health, finances, material possessions and social status. This instability in our outer […] Read more »


woman hugging herself

(definition) Self-compassion: you in your fullest potential – right now! When we feel compassion for others, we open our hearts to bring love to suffering in the desire to alleviate it for them. Compassion for others is: * noticing their suffering * feeling with them in their pain * responding with kindness no matter what the circumstances * acknowledging the imperfection of the human condition, and loving anyway We are a […] Read more »