emotional pain

emotions which create pain on any level of your being

Your Solar Power

The earth is not evolving in a way that is expected nor is it evolving in a way that will take us out of existence. What we have is an in-between. While we live our ‘everyday’, our Earth and our lightbodies are under construction and upgrades, many unprecedented. Generally, we are moving away from what was under dark force and lunar control and into solar consciousness. However, this is a […] Read more »

Understanding Transgenderism & How to Support Your Child

For children, younger or older, to experiment with their appearance, talents, language, or any part of the personality expression is a healthy aspect of coming to know themselves. There is in this a desire to find what resonates with their own heart and soul. If only this were an organic process! There is no doubt that children are influenced by experiences from the moment they take on a body and […] Read more »

Worrying About the Future?

Why worry? I mean what’s the purpose of worry? So many people worry that it would seem to be some handy way to navigate life’s surprises and plot twists. No? Then the better question might be “What’s the illusion in worry?” The ego worrier has only one job and that’s to stay fixated on something pending. It wrestles with that repeatedly and can sound something like this: “I hope it’s […] Read more »

Take a Healing Breath of God

The way the world is unfolding right now is bringing a tremendous amount of pain and distortion to the surface, on a planetary level as well as personal. Consider that in order to ascend naturally and expand consciousness, the incompatible frequencies must be purged and healed. It’s easier now to do so given the return of the Cosmic Emerald Order and the amount of dismantling that has occurred through the […] Read more »

When Togetherness is Too Much

Finding the balance in togetherness can be tough. You want connection but sometimes it just feels like too much – too much talking, too many questions, and too much closeness. You feel anxious when you’re required to spend too much time with your partner/spouse. It feels smothering. If this describes you, then unlike many people who fear abandonment, you fear being engulfed. For you, the childhood wounds of not having […] Read more »

Grieving Our Losses and Humanity’s Fall

I remember it. More accurately I would say that I’ve felt it – the fall of humanity’s consciousness. I have felt the excruciating anguish, the pain, and the intense cosmic rage. This trauma is in the collective memory. It’s resided in our cells all along, but now, it’s more accessible than ever before, creating both liberation and challenges. The planetary consciousness is awakening into soul embodiment, the 5th dimension of […] Read more »

The Planetary Wound of Not Being Seen and Heard


After about 20 years of doing my own inner work and listening to many clients tell me their life stories, I’ve arrived at the perspective that the number one need of any person is to feel and know unconditional love – by being seen and heard. When we are not acknowledged for who we truly are, as a human being and as a multi-dimensional being, it awakens painful wounding with […] Read more »

Separation Anxiety

Anxiety is a form of fear, not love. It is mired in ego illusion. The deep illusion is separation from God. If we do not see that we are God we will forever see God as outside of us, and immediately, God is a thing with which we have to develop relationship. Given that this God is often seen as vastly larger than the small “me”, this perspective renders us […] Read more »

How Far Back Can Addiction Patterns Go?

addiction to drugs

Starseeds and Indigos in particular can carry inherited addictive patterns that they are here to clear from their bloodline to put an end to the generational and planetary patterns. I have worked with some clients who have cleared countless addictions, many of which they did not even remotely know existed in their energy field. The origin can be quite distant, but they can be retriggered depending which dimensional energy is […] Read more »

Recognizing the Pattern of Addiction

sine wave

Addiction patterns are rampant on this planet, not only because there is much unhealed pain, but because mind control and genetic manipulation has ensured that its destructive force is carried from generation to generation. We need only look at the multitude of ways that people cope with life’s pain to see that humanity at large keeps living from lower vibrations: alcoholism and drugs, sex, obsessions, greed, status, materialism, and victimization. […] Read more »