
Your Solar Power

The earth is not evolving in a way that is expected nor is it evolving in a way that will take us out of existence. What we have is an in-between. While we live our ‘everyday’, our Earth and our lightbodies are under construction and upgrades, many unprecedented. Generally, we are moving away from what was under dark force and lunar control and into solar consciousness. However, this is a […] Read more »

The Transgender Confusion

UPDATED June 9/23 There is an agenda on this planet to push transgenderism. This is a highly charged topic, and every respect is intended for all who are personally grappling with this experience. The norming of transgenderism, along with transhumanism, is a facet of the negative alien controller strategy to split the natural unification of inner feminine and masculine energies for each person on this planet, and create the pain […] Read more »


Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples´ Court of Public Opinion Empowering Public Conscience through Natural Law ‘Injustice to One is an Injustice to All’ The official website: Videos available in both English and German. February 5/22 Day 1 Opening Remarks February 12/22: The general historical and geopolitical backdrop February 13/22: PCR-Test February 19/22: Injections and Psychological Warfare February 20/22: Financial Destruction February 26/22: Eugenics + closing arguments and outlook […] Read more »

Don’t Lose Hope…Keep Your Perspective, Go Within, Keep Calm

The US Presidential Inauguration took place yesterday – or did it? Watch the revealing video conversation below. This is an opportune time to learn discernment. If you watched the event what did you see? Firstly, for me, it was incredibly hard to feel all the black magic of the Satanic and Luciferian forces, and the deception of the deep state. The energy was far from celebratory – it was lifeless, […] Read more »

Critical Back-to-School Questions for Parents Right Now

With the many changes that are taking place around school re-openings because of the plandemic (not a spelling error: see my previous blog posts), it’s understandable that every parent would want to know that their child’s well-being comes first. Of course, it’s always the hope, that you feel your child is in “good hands” and that you trust the teachers and administrators of your child’s school. They are many wonderfully […] Read more »

Mandatory Masking: Where’s Our Choice?

While studies have been cited by governments/Public Health Units advocating the use of masks as an effective approach to curbing coronavirus, there are also countless presentations, citations, and studies, including from the CDC, that argue against the use of masks, including that wearing masks have many associated risks and are harming. And yet, masks have been made mandatory for all, including those who are healthy, as though they provide protection, […] Read more »

A Message to the Dark Controllers- Laura Eisenhower

Laura Eisenhower sends a message to the Dark Controllers. Inspiring – thank you sister Laura for your courage. Affirm: “For myself, on behalf of humanity, and all those whom I have permission to represent, I DO NOT consent to the manipulation of  my body, mind, emotions and spirit, in any timeline, dimension or reality. I claim my Divine Inheritance.  I claim my sovereignty. I AM a creation of God-Source Light. […] Read more »

Choosing Life or Anti-Life

There are times when we have to choose between what’s going to move us forward or what’s going to hold us back. Often, we do want to move forward. We want to be free of the wounding, the pain, the dogma, the “small me”, the matrix and that which simply makes life dull. But then when it actually comes time to choose, we hold back and think that we’re better […] Read more »