Your Solar Power

The earth is not evolving in a way that is expected nor is it evolving in a way that will take us out of existence. What we have is an in-between. While we live our ‘everyday’, our Earth and our lightbodies are under construction and upgrades, many unprecedented. Generally, we are moving away from what was under dark force and lunar control and into solar consciousness. However, this is a […] Read more »

Worrying About the Future?

Why worry? I mean what’s the purpose of worry? So many people worry that it would seem to be some handy way to navigate life’s surprises and plot twists. No? Then the better question might be “What’s the illusion in worry?” The ego worrier has only one job and that’s to stay fixated on something pending. It wrestles with that repeatedly and can sound something like this: “I hope it’s […] Read more »

Anything is Possible, So Choose

It’s not easy to breathe new life into what’s been dead for thousands of years – to resurrect lifelessness into vibrant creation. But it’s not impossible. If you know the truth of what’s now unfolding in this reality you’ll see two views. Dark agenda timelines are not inconvenient or uncomfortable. They’re diabolical. We must remember that history repeats itself unless we’re willing to wake up and see the manipulation behind […] Read more »

The Current Global Perception Management i.e. Mind Control

David Icke Timely Videos – for your discernment David Icke’s Explosive Interview With London Real – The Video That Youtube Doesn’t Want You To See On David Icke’s BitChute Channel ROSE / ICKE III THE LIVESTREAM: MAY 3, 2020 Subscribe for free to watch. Recorded after their previous interview was censored by YouTube, and David Icke was censored from multiple media outlets for speaking the truth. An excellent overview of […] Read more »

Break Through Your Barriers in 2020

There are times in our spiritual journey when we find ourselves grappling with the most intense inner conflicts. Rather than confront them, we would sometimes prefer to hide under the covers. We can try to deny that there’s an issue waiting to be addressed, or pray to be rescued, but deep down we know that we’ll have to choose. We can soften the strain by remembering that our power to […] Read more »

Reprogramming the Fear of Failure

There are countless reasons why people think that if they put effort into an endeavour in life they will fail. It’s not just because they have failed in the past. It’s not because they think they are unworthy. Though both those reasons can certainly be contributors. But one of the most profound reasons that people fear that they will fail is because they hold a memory of failing long ago, […] Read more »

Synthesizing Fears of Abandonment & Engulfment in Relationship

Opposites attract. While this can be very complementary and balancing in intimate relationships, it can also be very challenging while the pain body is healing. This means that two people can come together with gifts that offer the opportunity to build great synergy between them, but what can stand in the way of that creativity are the core fears that are opposing each other: fear of abandonment and fear of […] Read more »

When Togetherness is Too Much

Finding the balance in togetherness can be tough. You want connection but sometimes it just feels like too much – too much talking, too many questions, and too much closeness. You feel anxious when you’re required to spend too much time with your partner/spouse. It feels smothering. If this describes you, then unlike many people who fear abandonment, you fear being engulfed. For you, the childhood wounds of not having […] Read more »

The Key to Healing Abandonment

It’s quite common to feel abandoned. Whether you were separated accidentally from Mom/Dad as a child, felt left behind during their divorce, or shaken by the death of your parent, the trauma lingers. Perhaps you felt alone and unsupported when your needs weren’t met repeatedly. Or maybe you feel the deep grief of disconnection from your true Cosmic Parents. Abandonment remains emotionally painful if what you learned as a child is […] Read more »

Discerning Fear vs. Truth

looking through a lens

Discerning truth from fear programs is critical now, though not always easy. On Earth, fear is pushed as truth, and truth is feared. Fear has been wound tightly into our brains, cellular memory and energy fields. The instinctual and limbic brains naturally serve to register fear, but their capacities have been rendered less discriminating by being pummeled with deceptive games, anti-life agendas, holographic mind control, transhumanism, splitting of masculine and […] Read more »