Prayer to End All Wars

Beloved Holy Presence of God, I thank you for the Divine Mother within me who offers me assurances of self-trust, by knowing my own heart with clarity. I thank you for the Divine Father within me who extends wisdom to my actions, to move forward with natural authority and compassion. I thank you for their sacred union within me as Christos-Sophia, anchored in the Divine love that protects me and […] Read more »

Prayer for Our Animals

Beloved Creator of All Things, We send our love to all the animals on this Earth, who gift us with their beauty and intelligence. They bring gentleness to our difficult days, and joy when our hearts are heavy. They understand us. They love us. They heal us. They bring balance to our world. We lovingly command your graceful blessings to be sent to each every creature. Protect them from our […] Read more »

Prayer for Reclaiming Sacred Life

This prayer is intended to override the Armageddon/911 timelines in any Earth geographic area(s) which you choose to represent. Of note at the time of publication, May 2023, is the 10th Stargate in Iran/Iraq, which has always been under heavy negative alien control, and is currently being reclaimed by Earth’s Krystal Guardian support teams. Please prepare for meditation and fortify your 12D Shield. [The audio meditation is found at the […] Read more »

Calling the Creator

In this moment, as we unite through this prayer, let the truth be known that we are the ones who are holding steady amidst the darkness rising out from our Earth. This prayer is for you so that you may be fortified in your inner light and set free to be in your highest expression as One with God and One with Peace. Beloved Holy Presence of the Holy Cosmic […] Read more »

Prayer for Being Neutral

  Beloved Divine Mother, Divine Father, and Holy Christos-Sophia, May I be a clear vessel for your Grace to work through me. May I have faith in myself and in others, with mutual respect and compassionate blessings, that the highest good is possible for all. May I heal my inner conflicts for my peace, and so that I bring harmony to my relationships. May I know that your Presence in my thoughts, words, […] Read more »

Prayer for the Future

Beloved Holy Presence of God, I pray to be in trust with you to breathe in and out without hesitation to hear the Holy Mother call me to safety to see the Holy Father Light my path May all the doubts that have been imposed upon me to reject your love and your life wash away with truth I give to you my worries and burdens for only you can […] Read more »

Prayer to Be the Peace in This Awakening

Beloved Mother-Father God and Christos-Sophia, At this time of collective awakening to the truth of what is sacred Life, may I extend the compassion in my heart for all: for myself and for my family, for those who are turned away from truth, for those who are feeling frightened, unsafe and uncertain, for those who are just now opening to acknowledge the deceptions, for those who are angry, torn, confused […] Read more »