Prayer to End All Wars

Beloved Holy Presence of God, I thank you for the Divine Mother within me who offers me assurances of self-trust, by knowing my own heart with clarity. I thank you for the Divine Father within me who extends wisdom to my actions, to move forward with natural authority and compassion. I thank you for their sacred union within me as Christos-Sophia, anchored in the Divine love that protects me and […] Read more »

Receiving the Gifts of Krist-Krystallah

Earth has been changing in its energy architecture resulting in a permanent and profound change to the manner in which consciousness-energy moves from the unmanifest to manifest. For those acknowledging our global awakening and reaching for a better world, it’s helpful to appreciate that this means there’s a great deal of potential to change what we manifest as our personal reality. And we’ve been given the sacred blueprint! The gift […] Read more »