Sept. 20, 2023 – 1 Million March for Children

On Wednesday, Sept. 20th there is a Canada-wide peaceful protest “1 Million Person March for Children”: #LeaveOurKidsAlone.

It’s intended to peacefully protest the transgender agenda being imposed on children through schools and other means.

Dr. Bahira Abdulsalam explains the intention behind this grass-roots movement in the video and what has precipitated these gatherings.

Please join me in prayer.

Beloved Holy Presence of God and All Krystal Guardians defending God’s children,

We lovingly command your 12D blessings to grace each gathering in the geographic regions where humanity is standing united in peaceful protest to the imposition of the transgender agenda and indoctrination of children to lies, sexual confusion, and disconnection from their true nature.

Please protect these gatherings and neutralize any intended harm from counter-protests, and any divide-and-conquer manipulations, mind control, religious distortions, abuses of power, and violence. Please neutralize all anger and hate into authentic power.

Please hold these gatherings in your Sacred Eternal Light that the Divine Purpose and Agenda to protect the freedom and sovereignty of children and their parents/families may remain the central focus, and the pure intention be successfully carried through.

Please bless and protect the children who are brought to these gatherings, that they may only witness and know the encouragement, truth and healthy values that are being celebrated for their well-being and healthy future. May only truth and peace prevail.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. It is so.

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