We are living in a time that calls for our courage. This is a beckoning to our hearts, not our minds. Courage wells from a deep commitment within to create change. It does not involve any pushing, only the trust of Divine support through and through. Courage is often misconstrued. We tend to think of needing to find courage for formidable circumstances, those that we view as herculean in nature […] Read more »
Nurturing Your Authenticity
The days of relying on gurus or ascended masters to be your authority are now gone; you are your own inner authority. While others can guide you, the impetus to allow your authentic power to flourish and anchor can only come from you. There is no other place than your own inner Spirit from which the highest expression of you as love can unfold. When you allow yourself to be […] Read more »
Core Pattern Release to Help You Transition through the Ages
At the end of October we will be arriving at the close of the 9th and final creation cycle of the much-studied Mayan calendar; a momentous time in the evolution of our consciousness (see www.Calleman.com). How we will experience this marked shift on Earth is truly unknown, despite all the speculation. Yet, one thing is certain; humanity has always moved through change, and we can expect more. The only question […] Read more »
Releasing Self-Victimization in Patriarchal Domination
In my blog, Releasing Patriarchal Domination, I shared that the distorted male principle on our planet is being transformed at an atomic level, and the release of patriarchal domination is rising to the surface in the collective consciousness. This is shifting out elitism, power-mongering, abuse and victimization. While we witness the control structures tumble, it’s important to remember that our responsibility to assist in this transformation lies in our own […] Read more »
Releasing Patriarchal Domination
The dominion of masculine power has been a force of imbalance on this planet for a very long time. Gratefully, balanced feminine power is re-emerging to find its rightful place while the patriarchal control structures in religions, finance, and corporations are unraveling. We are witnessing an unprecedented shift in consciousness on this planet and it is our own inner work that will ensure continued progress. I see many female clients […] Read more »
Responding to Your Own Choices for Ascension
There comes a time when we face a challenge that interrupts the patterns of what we know and do. Often we imagine that life will be worse. Instead, difficult days can be the manna for the ascension of our soul. Our response determines how gracefully we navigate the passageway. My client Suzy is a skilled practitioner who heals the subtleties of the body with her intuition and the skill of […] Read more »
Transform the Vows of ‘Need’ into the Freedoms of ‘Want’.
Neediness goes far deeper than an emotional pull. We often understand neediness to imply an excessive hunger for reassurance, affection or attention. This is commonly true, and this is what I found when I looked up Webster’s definition. But it left me feeling unsatisfied; the description was narrow given my experience with the needs that show up repeatedly from the ego. So I simply asked my vaster consciousness for the […] Read more »
Accepting Yourself and Others
We all look at the world through the personal lens of our own experience. Some people see themselves and others as compassionate and well-meaning, whereas others view and act with judgment, anger or fear. The perception we generally uphold has everything to do with how we feel about ourselves, and ourselves in relation to others. Ask yourself, “From which paradigm do I operate my life?”: I’m not O.K., you’re O.K. […] Read more »
The Healing Tree of Beliefs
Understanding the root cause of life’s challenges with energy psychotherapy and core pattern release. Do you ever wonder why some of our behaviours and habits can be so stubborn? Why do they seem to show up again and again as an unyielding pattern? Perhaps the following analogy will provide some insight. Your belief system can be imagined as a massive tree – the kind that has been growing for years. […] Read more »
Peace in Simplicity
Driving in the countryside at this time of year feels like waking up from a delicious, afternoon nap; you know that you have to get up and move onto to other things but the cells in your body balk at the idea of any hurry. As you linger in the peacefulness, your senses slowly stirring, everything just feels good. That’s the way I felt as I let the open road free […] Read more »