My sweet feline friend nestles her warm body into mine. I can feel her breathing beside me, quiet, safe and sound. I so treasure this. She wakes to the exact moment she is timed to jump off the bed, and she calls me to start the day. My peace begins this way, but not every day, so I am especially grateful when it does.
I’m grateful for the rising sun that breaks over the horizon and spills onto the lake. Some mornings when I open my curtains a new work of art is unveiled. In a flood of glory the sun can cast everything in breath-taking pink and orange, and other times it’s just a subtle hidden haze, but I know I can always count on it to come back and rise again.
Each day is another opportunity to begin anew, whether yesterday was just fine or demanding. My Higher Self doesn’t judge, it just sets things in motion again, so I say ‘yes’ to whatever unfolds. I get the chance to know myself even more. Even though I may have lots to do or difficult things to decide, I know I am still here with purpose and I have my heart to guide me. I am so glad I learned to listen.

‘Peace Settles’ by Amâeil
I am grateful for the silence that lies underneath all the crackling, the whirring, the zooming, and the clatter that comes from all the spaces around me. It cushions my body and mind, and is a tonic to my soul. Silence is also the golden gift that makes the sweet sounds distinctly sweeter: when the Chickadee chirps a melody, the red squirrel chatters, or my cat purrs her love. They land with clarity. They speak with unmistakable Divinity.
I am grateful for the choice to live in the flow of my highest expression. I have choice over and over again even though sometimes those choices take work, discipline, and everything that I’ve got. I feel the fear when the freedom of my choice is compromised, and that reminds me that many live daily without the abundance of possibility. I remind myself how fortunate I am that I can consciously choose what I think, where I want to go, how I value my time, and what I bring into my heart. If it’s not true to me it doesn’t have to stay. However, I am also so thankful to my Higher Self for the wisdom it had to clear my path of those things I thought I wanted and give me that which was much more aligned with my higher heart.

Every day I pray to be a clear vessel of God. Every day I intend harmony for my interactions and all that I do. But it definitely doesn’t always go this way. So every day I give thanks when things go smoothly and the darkness doesn’t interfere, and when they do, I value the strengthening of my inner core Spirit. I have also learned to highly appreciate those times that I can simply be! I give great thanks to the Krystal Guardians for supporting my body, our human collective body, through the most amazing ascension shifts and for learning how to be the calm in the centre of the storm.
I am grateful for the sun’s nourishment. My cells remember what it was like when the sun disappeared in the cataclysm of long ago. A beam of light on my body makes everything right again. I like watching it from afar as its waves dance on the water, or up close where I catch its kaleidoscope of tiny, colourful orbs. When the comfort of its warmth comes to me, my smile is not far behind.
I am grateful for my breath. It provides a steady rhythm in my life, the ebb and the flow, so that I am always brought back to the present. My breathing grounds me when I choose not to move, and it moves me with grace when I need to keep calm and carry on. It carries my soul through my voice, gives tone to my intent, and lets me speak the language of Light. I’m immensely grateful that it can so miraculously and easily connect me to the God within.
I am appreciative for all those people that have helped me become who I am. They are my mirrors and long ago I chose the ones that agreed to catapult me to my greatest potential. I can see now that I chose well. They have shown me the consequence of harbouring hurt instead of offering forgiveness, they teach me to be kind when I would rather be angry, and they encourage the power of my love. I welcome those that show me my progress, and then there are those from whom I can choose to part. I feel blessed for those I can call my family, friends and supporters.

‘Phengaris arion’
I count my blessings for these and other simple things because it is the simple things I can most easily access when I feel stretched to my limit, and when it feels like it’s all too much: it might be a glance at the night stars, connecting with the tree in my yard, listening to a child’s giggle, or simply letting my body rest. I know these moments are not the totality of my life experience and my living requires so much more of me at times. But always, there is time to create a space to say, “Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am peace now.”
Gratitude is an exceptionally simple, but extraordinarily potent alchemy. It takes us out of the future and into ‘now”, shifts us from resistance into acceptance, and transforms our pain into inner peace. The best time to count our blessings is precisely when we feel we don’t want to. We live in a holographic Universe – all realities of the whole exist within each of us, and whatever we create, in an instant, exists within the whole. Let’s be mindful and give thanks – give often, give now!
Deepen your gratitude – heal your pain. Book your appointment now.
2021 (Amâeil) Melinda Urban