Freedom Convoy 2022 – Call for Support


Freedom Convoy 2022 in Ottawa: truthful up-dates and call for support. PLEASE WATCH, DISCERN AND SHARE


Feb 19/22: Freedom Convoy Feb.17, 2022 Press Conference with Tom Marazzo – regroup and re-evaluate. Asking Canadians to support by learning the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms


Feb 17/22: Freedom Convoy Feb.17, 2022 Press Conference, with an explanation of the Emergencies Act, and as it applies unlawfully to the Freedom Convoy


Feb 12/22: Breaking: Criminal Canadian monopoly Dr. David Martin exposes why Trudeau won’t back down


Feb 10/22: Freedom Convoy – Address To Canadians by Tom Marazzo Feb.10, 2022


February 9/22: Press Conference with Maxime Bernier and Randy Hillier and others


Feb 8/22: Urgent Late Night Convoy Press Conference


Ex-RCMP officer speaks: We are not terrorists.


Freedom Convoy organizers and participants are holding steady in PEACE, and have reasonably requested conversations with the government anchored in truthful medical science about the injections. They have knowledgeable doctors who have joined the protest in support.

These videos are well worth your time and energy to know what is transpiring in Ottawa. It’s not what the mainstream media has been presenting. Always, please use your discernment.

If you do not feel called to be physically present in Ottawa to support them, please offer your prayers and love. Here are some suggestions:

I DO NOT CONSENT for Canadians in support of the Freedom Convoy 2022.

Prayer for the all protestors

I DO NOT CONSENT prayers for global freedom convoys 2022.