Responding to Your Own Choices for Ascension

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There comes a time when we face a challenge that interrupts the patterns of what we know and do. Often we imagine that life will be worse. Instead, difficult days can be the manna for the ascension of our soul. Our response determines how gracefully we navigate the passageway. My client Suzy is a skilled practitioner who heals the subtleties of the body with her intuition and the skill of […] Read more »

Accepting Yourself and Others

woman reading book on self-esteem

We all look at the world through the personal lens of our own experience. Some people see themselves and others as compassionate and well-meaning, whereas others view and act with judgment, anger or fear. The perception we generally uphold has everything to do with how we feel about ourselves, and ourselves in relation to others. Ask yourself, “From which paradigm do I operate my life?”: I’m not O.K., you’re O.K. […] Read more »

The Healing Tree of Beliefs

tree and roots

Understanding the root cause of life’s challenges with energy psychotherapy and core pattern release. Do you ever wonder why some of our behaviours and habits can be so stubborn? Why do they seem to show up again and again as an unyielding pattern? Perhaps the following analogy will provide some insight. Your belief system can be imagined as a massive tree – the kind that has been growing for years. […] Read more »

The Search for Peace Ends Here

you are here

In a short tour of some local shops my eye caught this little gem of a statement on a garden plaque: ‘You are Here.’  It seems like such an obvious statement doesn’t it? Where else would you be? But then why do we need to keep being reminded of this? Most often we are not ‘here.’ It’s said that we have anywhere from 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. It would be safe […] Read more »

How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways

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With Valentine’s Day just two days many people turn their focus turns to notions of love. Ah, the desire for romantic passion is still something we sometimes think we desire to save our lonely soul; to be swept off our feet with declarations of devotion and an until-death-us-do-part heart connection. While romance can make us swoon, it is simply a means to deepen attraction. If it is not carried on a foundation of higher love it is empty and fleeting. […] Read more »