Highly Recommended Viewing for the Love of Animals
It’s Time to Think Outside the Cage | Charu Chandrasekera | TEDxUniversityofWindsor

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Animal testing is largely disfavored globally, but the world is struggling to find alternatives. Dr. Charu Chandrasekera’s research has proven that there is not only a viable replacement, but one that is cheaper, faster, and more relevant to humans.
Dr. Charu Chandrasekera is the founding executive director of Canada’s first and only research centre dedicated exclusively to alternatives to animal testing—Canadian Centre for Alternatives to Animal Methods (CCAAM) and its subsidiary, the Canadian Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (CaCVAM)—officially launched at the University of Windsor in October 2017.
Thank you Charu for sharing these compelling facts for the need for change in health research, and for bringing your vision into Canada’s reality. May Canadians and all of humanity evolve to embody the wisdom of our souls so that our dis-eases are healed intelligently, while living in harmlessness with the sentient animal souls on this Earth. So much love has been lost, but it can be regained. There’s always Light for our choosing! An abundance of blessings for this purposeful work that I know is from deep within your heart and soul.
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
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