Discerning Between Organic and Inorganic

There’s no question that, at the highest view, humanity and Earth evolve naturally. However, the challenge occurs when life is no longer entirely organic. For example, a plant can absorb too much sun and not enough water, and begin to decay naturally. But if artificial chemicals or dis-ease interfere, then this can accelerate the process or mutate the organism. Now its expression is no longer entirely organic. This is the […] Read more »

What the World Needs Now is Love, Sweet Love

What the world needs now is love, sweet love It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of What the world needs now is love, sweet love, No, not just for some, but for everyone. These song lyrics have been entirely relevant throughout our dark human history, and seems they always will be. However, there has also been tremendous sacred balancing on this planet, and for this reason, we […] Read more »

Leaps of Faith

If you were walking along a road and it veered to the right, how would you tend to respond? Would you turn around because you couldn’t see where it takes you, or would you keep walking toward the possibilities? Chances are you would come face to face with the paradigms that both limit and expand you. Then it would be time to make a choice. What would lead you – […] Read more »

Where is Our Joy?

Joy often rounds a corner with unexpected surprise – this is when it can really uplift us. It shows up in laughter, a new realization, the shimmering colours of a dragonfly, generous giving, heart-centered sharing, the rain of spinning maple tree seeds, or the cold juiciness of watermelon on a hot day! Joy can be found where you look, in what you hear, what you feel, touch, taste, give, and […] Read more »

Holding Healthy Boundaries

Is someone crossing the line with you? We all know what it feels like to have our personal boundaries violated, but do we all know what to do about it? In my experience, developing and maintaining boundaries is difficult for many. It’s directly related to the ability to know our value, stand in our power, and create safety for ourselves. There’s a profound reason that our boundaries often, and easily, […] Read more »

How Far Back Can Addiction Patterns Go?

addiction to drugs

Starseeds and Indigos in particular can carry inherited addictive patterns that they are here to clear from their bloodline to put an end to the generational and planetary patterns. I have worked with some clients who have cleared countless addictions, many of which they did not even remotely know existed in their energy field. The origin can be quite distant, but they can be retriggered depending which dimensional energy is […] Read more »

Evicting Imposter Spirits from Your Spiritual House

There was a 1990 movie with Michael Keaton called “Pacific Heights”, and it was a dark story about a deceptive tenant who moves into the upper floor of a house and wreaks havoc on the lives of the unsuspecting Landlords and the other tenants below. From what I can remember of the movie, his only intention was to create chaos and fear. And he succeeded. This is essentially the state […] Read more »

Recognizing the Pattern of Addiction

sine wave

Addiction patterns are rampant on this planet, not only because there is much unhealed pain, but because mind control and genetic manipulation has ensured that its destructive force is carried from generation to generation. We need only look at the multitude of ways that people cope with life’s pain to see that humanity at large keeps living from lower vibrations: alcoholism and drugs, sex, obsessions, greed, status, materialism, and victimization. […] Read more »

Are You Discerning?

One of the most beneficial qualities of the Divine Human is the power of discernment through our higher sentience: our experiences of our senses or perceptions through our energy intelligence, often called intuition. Unfortunately, this has been usurped by the negative alien agenda (NAA) to maintain their control over humanity – what we cannot clarify, we cannot change or see past, and therefore, we remain disempowered. There is a vast […] Read more »

Release the 3 R’s

Are you ready to free yourself from unnecessary fears? Here are 3 simple issues that you can easily live without. Regret We have a tendency to believe that a choice that led to discomfort or pain was a wrong choice. In fact, we can only make the best choice we know how in any moment given our experiences, knowledge and skills. Those choices that we deem to have brought suffering […] Read more »