
a simultaneous increase in consciousness with a descension of our spiritual-energetic bodies into the physical form

Don’t Be Scared Be Sacred

What’s supportive to someone who’s having a hard time with their heart right now? What helps a person who doesn’t see a way forward? What best serves those caught in the anti-life, reversal programs? What’s the healing path that would bring all of them more ease and grace? We have so many individuals right now on the planet who are truly unaware of the significant consciousness shifts on Earth: higher […] Read more »

God is Now

These days, some turn of events will come along that will make you question if it’s real or not real, meaningful or not meaningful, or whether there is even any reason to give it your attention. The global spiritual awakening is like that too because there are so many different perspectives on what is happening, what is valuable, and what is to be placed into focus. It’s not that any […] Read more »

Light Up the World

You cannot move forward by simply wishing it to be so without some consideration for where you are now. You cannot hold yourself where you are now and expect that nothing will change. Nor can you sit idle without some consideration of how the planet is moving ahead. You can however be present to what is forefront within you and pay close attention to what is arising and what is […] Read more »


This article is intended to bring clarity to an important change taking place in the inner realms. While so much is transpiring in the outer world and in our Universal Time Matrix, there is a shift of epic proportions transpiring within. Most people will feel some rendition of this in their hearts. While others will feel it deeply and allow the changes to create a new reality. If you take […] Read more »

Honouring Our Divine Alchemy

When there’s something in the energy field that flows outward and then moves that energy to a place of zero-point or stillness it’s considered a field of creation. Meaning, it holds a patterning of Krystal architecture that expands and fills the consciousness field with a frequency of highest proportions. It can be considered Divine architecture. However, on planet Earth there’s been a great of destruction to this architecture, as though […] Read more »

Anchoring Trust

There is something to be said for the fact that even though there are relentless attempts by the negative forces to destroy humanity’s freedoms right now, humanity continues to rise. Why would that be if humans have been so repressed for so long? How is it possible that humanity as a whole is ascending when the controller’s agenda just seems to be marching on? At this timing in our universal […] Read more »

Receiving the Gifts of Krist-Krystallah

Earth has been changing in its energy architecture resulting in a permanent and profound change to the manner in which consciousness-energy moves from the unmanifest to manifest. For those acknowledging our global awakening and reaching for a better world, it’s helpful to appreciate that this means there’s a great deal of potential to change what we manifest as our personal reality. And we’ve been given the sacred blueprint! The gift […] Read more »

Protecting Yourself from Black Magic

Would it surprise you to know that you’ve been living every day of your life fooled by black magic? At present, far from done, the dark forces are amplifying ways to manipulate humanity. They have their deceptions, their tried-and-true strategies, that they’ve been using secretly and subliminally for thousands of years. Now, it’s like watching the insanity of their desperate magical thinking run amok. They’re reaching new levels of absurdism […] Read more »

Overriding Reversals with the Divine Father

It’s hard to imagine that at one time our entire Universe was completely organic and fully aligned with God consciousness. It was far different than what we’ve known, which has been a blended reality where organic life has been heavily infiltrated with artificial intelligence (AI) systems. These AI systems that are unnatural and harmful to human life are predicated on a distortion of life that we call metatronic reversal codes, […] Read more »

Cosmic Heart Unification

May 2023 be a very beautiful year of graceful flourishing change for you and for all. The first month of 2023 has already flown by with an intense start as we feel more of the rapid changes and instability. I understand that we can expect the entire year to move rapidly. Despite all the revelations, egoic posturing, speculations, theatrics, and desperately nonsensical controlling endeavours to make it a frighteningly inhumane […] Read more »