Are You Choosing Peace Over War?

With the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine (or any other war) it’s helpful to remember a few things to hold perspective: There are always at least 3 sides to every conflict, within which somewhere lies truth. Things are not always as they appear. Very often life is not black and white, and trying to make it so can create blindspots and wishful thinking. All-or-nothing and black-and-white thinking is easier, […] Read more »

Freedom Convoy 2022 – Call for Support

  Freedom Convoy 2022 in Ottawa: truthful up-dates and call for support. PLEASE WATCH, DISCERN AND SHARE   Feb 19/22: Freedom Convoy Feb.17, 2022 Press Conference with Tom Marazzo – regroup and re-evaluate. Asking Canadians to support by learning the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms   Feb 17/22: Freedom Convoy Feb.17, 2022 Press Conference, with an explanation of the Emergencies Act, and as it applies unlawfully to the Freedom […] Read more »

I DO NOT CONSENT Prayer for Global Freedom Convoys 2022

As the avatar of Christos and the Light of God that I AM, I choose to represent human freedom in God’s sovereign power on this Earth. I command that this prayer and intention, in purity and clarity, be extended to each and every human being who genuinely wishes spiritual freedom in their heart, to utilize only what is required in alignment with their highest expression and in Divine will. Beloved […] Read more »

Prayer for Protestors

In support and celebration of this historic event, the 2022 Freedom Convoy in Canada. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all truckers, and all those driving, walking, waving and applauding, and praying for freedom along the route to Ottawa. Blessings to all people standing up for truth and liberation, and in the many other countries where truckers are forming their own convoys in unity. Beloved Holy Presence of Mother-Father […] Read more »

Radiation Toxicity – Canada & US

For your discernment & witnessing: Posted on Youtube Nov. 30/21 BC Radiation “at Chernobyl levels” results from release in DUMBS. Water Table affected: IAEA, Radiation Protection Bureau of Health Canada silent Also impacting West Montana, Northern Idaho, extreme NE Washington, Southern California east of San Diego and Yuma, Arizona Klanmother Nurse Karen MacDonald + Radiation Eyewitness + Judge Alfred Lambremont Webre with host Ted Mahr. First-hand account from a woman […] Read more »

Key Illusions Right Now

Illusion- definition: perception of something objectively existing in such a way as to cause misinterpretation of its actual nature; a pattern capable of reversible perspective Whenever anyone is in a consciousness trap – a false narrative, it’s helpful to name it. Sometimes that can be the beginning of ‘lifting the veil’ to truth and freedom. Please take what resonates and do your own research.   Some Key Illusions Right Now […] Read more »

Protect the Health of the Children

A collection of resources to protect your child’s health with your informed consent regarding vaccines.   Prayer for the Children Please offer your prayers to protect them from all harm. In this interview Dr. Paul Alexander offers an excellent overview of how the Canadian government has been lying to the public, by inverting evidence-based science. CHILDREN especially should never receive the CV jab. A good one to share with those […] Read more »

Vax Passports – the real reason why

For your discernment: Vax Passports are Data Passports and that’s anti-freedom: “Melissa Ciummei, a financial investor from Northern Ireland, has serious concerns that injection passports will be used more like data passports to control participation in society. She believes that this passport system was manufactured in order to help bring about a financial reset, replacing our failing fiat currency system. Because passports are so crucial for the successful implementation of […] Read more »