Take a Healing Breath of God

The way the world is unfolding right now is bringing a tremendous amount of pain and distortion to the surface, on a planetary level as well as personal. Consider that in order to ascend naturally and expand consciousness, the incompatible frequencies must be purged and healed. It’s easier now to do so given the return of the Cosmic Emerald Order and the amount of dismantling that has occurred through the […] Read more »

Awaken the Truth Vibration with Love

When someone takes it upon themselves to be truthful it’s a recognition that these energies are abiding by the natural laws of God, and therefore, will be supported as such. When someone decides that the truth is better withheld and that lies and deceptions should be placed into the consciousness of others, this is a deliberate attempt to thwart what is true and the cornerstone of all life on Earth. […] Read more »

What the World Needs Now is Love, Sweet Love

What the world needs now is love, sweet love It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of What the world needs now is love, sweet love, No, not just for some, but for everyone. These song lyrics have been entirely relevant throughout our dark human history, and seems they always will be. However, there has also been tremendous sacred balancing on this planet, and for this reason, we […] Read more »

Peace in Simplicity

Driving in the countryside at this time of year feels like waking up from a delicious, afternoon nap; you know that you have to get up and move onto to other things but the cells in your body balk at the idea of any hurry. As you linger in the peacefulness, your senses slowly stirring, everything just feels good. That’s the way I felt as I let the open road free […] Read more »

How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways

love story

With Valentine’s Day just two days many people turn their focus turns to notions of love. Ah, the desire for romantic passion is still something we sometimes think we desire to save our lonely soul; to be swept off our feet with declarations of devotion and an until-death-us-do-part heart connection. While romance can make us swoon, it is simply a means to deepen attraction. If it is not carried on a foundation of higher love it is empty and fleeting. […] Read more »