Inspiring short video of how parents help a young child release his fear and frustration – with a most loving message. Notice how he age-appropriately addresses the power struggle that was. ♥ ♥ ♥ Read more »
Amâeil (Melinda Urban): Intuitive Counseling & Krystal Lightbody Healing
Intuitive counseling and krystal lightbody healing for your sacred inner balance.
energy of the 2nd dimensional layer of the human form
Inspiring short video of how parents help a young child release his fear and frustration – with a most loving message. Notice how he age-appropriately addresses the power struggle that was. ♥ ♥ ♥ Read more »
Brilliant! Awesome! So sweet! The sweet and wise child in the video below has learned something exceptionally powerful – the power of his choice about his emotions. Wonderfully loving Mom in this video. Kudos to the parents or whoever taught this language to him. Guidance on this exact point comes up for every child that I’ve supported, but we can all learn from this. The only exception is that I […] Read more »
Joy often rounds a corner with unexpected surprise – this is when it can really uplift us. It shows up in laughter, a new realization, the shimmering colours of a dragonfly, generous giving, heart-centered sharing, the rain of spinning maple tree seeds, or the cold juiciness of watermelon on a hot day! Joy can be found where you look, in what you hear, what you feel, touch, taste, give, and […] Read more »
Humans seem to have great deal of difficulty communicating with one another. We sometimes don’t listen well, we can speak at cross purposes, or make assumptions about what’s being said. We often beat around the bush when something is difficult to say, or we can trip over our words when we are unclear with ourselves. I have a cellular memory of times when communication was more telepathic and so much […] Read more »
Practices for Releasing Ego Practice dropping out of your mind/lower mental focus and into your body. Bring your awareness to your body by noticing your breathing and/or noticing the physical sensations of your body parts. Once you are in your body, acknowledge and name what you are feeling. What you are feeling is different from what you are thinking. For example, ‘I am feeling angry”, is different from “I wish […] Read more »
“Your body is a temple, but only if you treat it as one.” ~Astrid Alauda If you’re a fan of Eckhart Tolle and have read his book A New Earth, you may remember the term ‘pain-body’. It is a concept worth knowing that can open the mind and enable healing. However, identifying with our peacebody is far more, well, peaceful! The pain-body is anti-life. It gets triggered when we resonate with an unresolved emotional […] Read more »