consciousness expansion

to grow in one's awareness of the truth beyond illusion

Mindful in the Unknown

The spiritual journey takes us forward through time and space as though we’re following a spiral of energy, even if we don’t know where it leads. And as we make our way along that path, we find that sometimes there’s a pause. This is when it can feel like we’re in the dark – when life doesn’t unfold the way we imagined, and especially when Divine support comes in very […] Read more »


This article is intended to bring clarity to an important change taking place in the inner realms. While so much is transpiring in the outer world and in our Universal Time Matrix, there is a shift of epic proportions transpiring within. Most people will feel some rendition of this in their hearts. While others will feel it deeply and allow the changes to create a new reality. If you take […] Read more »

Honouring Our Divine Alchemy

When there’s something in the energy field that flows outward and then moves that energy to a place of zero-point or stillness it’s considered a field of creation. Meaning, it holds a patterning of Krystal architecture that expands and fills the consciousness field with a frequency of highest proportions. It can be considered Divine architecture. However, on planet Earth there’s been a great of destruction to this architecture, as though […] Read more »

Anchoring Trust

There is something to be said for the fact that even though there are relentless attempts by the negative forces to destroy humanity’s freedoms right now, humanity continues to rise. Why would that be if humans have been so repressed for so long? How is it possible that humanity as a whole is ascending when the controller’s agenda just seems to be marching on? At this timing in our universal […] Read more »

Moving Beyond What We Think We Know

As I’ve been listening to some alternative broadcasters of late, I’ve picked up on a subtle repeating pattern: what they’re saying about the future is sometimes based on the history of the past. And while there is some validity to this, it just can’t be right now. The closed mind says, “It’s been like this many times before so this is the way it is now. I know how this […] Read more »

Your Heart is the Center of All Things

It doesn’t take heroic measures to be in your heart. It does not require that everything change in life to suit the heart. It does not mean that the heart is always open either to allow this graceful tool for our living. And yet the truth remains: the heart is the center of ALL things. So much so that it would be astonishing to truly understand how much. In our […] Read more »

Choice Points & Purpose

When we travel though our spiritual journey we find ourselves at junctures that we call choice points. These are the defining moments that take us into an ascending consciousness or take us somewhere else. Regardless, every choice provides learning though some of their lessons are more challenging to manoeuver through than others. It’s not that we can choose wrongly. It’s that a part of us recognizes what would be most […] Read more »

Cosmic Christos Dragon Return

Even a brief exploration of the significance of dragon symbology will bring you into understanding that dragons have long been a part of legends and myths, often associated with war, power or even evil. But they have also meant good fortune, success and good health, especially in the Chinese culture. Their influence also can be found in Nordic history, Europe, Japan, America and Wales. Yet, as with many aspects of […] Read more »

With Unwavering Conviction

The time is coming in our lives now when there is no turning back. In fact, that moment has long passed. But it’s to say that if we do try to turn back, if we place our focus in the past self, the old self, then we are giving ourselves the opportunity to move into what is called a descension. This is not to be judged as wrong, and certainly […] Read more »

The Lies I Told Myself

If you were to take a snapshot right now of what’s taking place in the outer reality, you would see that the majority of people are looking through a lens that is shattered by falsity. They are seeing one version of a reality and it’s not the only version of reality. For many that reality is filled with doubts and fears that supersede the truth of the core of who […] Read more »