Stop the vaccine deception.

no more deception

This is an important video to watch and then share as widely as possible. For the sake of the children it’s essential that the truth about this genocide agenda to inject humans with poisons be known. The Testimonies Project has gathered countless testimonies from individuals in Israel who have been injured by the genetic experiment. These are not mild, temporary side effects. These are life-ending and life-long damages to the […] Read more »

Prayer for the Children

Your prayers are requested for all children – the newborns, the innocents, the curious and free-spirited ones, the teenagers, and all those growing their unique authentic expressions to bring to this world. They are also the ones who have been sacrificed, deeply hurt, abused, tortured and sold for trafficking. Children have always been targeted by predators and false authorities, on Earth and off-planet, in many ways.  Especially now with the […] Read more »

Mandatory Vaccinations? – Just say NO!

  Resources to help you understand your rights to refuse mandatory vaccinations, as well as testing, and disclose your personal health information/vaccine status.   Excellent MUST WATCH Project Camelot interview with DR. CARRIE MADEJ: COVID, NANO & THE VAX – the hard truth Your Rights of Refusal with Ted Kuntz, VaccineChoiceCanada President, Rocco Galati, Tanya Gaw, Dr. Stephen Malthouse, Paula Tucci, and Vincent Gircys Vaccine Choice Canada’s position paper on […] Read more »

Are You in an Abusive Relationship? – think twice

Over the years I’ve learned that if someone was abused as a child, they often don’t have a reference point of how life can be otherwise. In other words, they believe that this is just the way life is. They wouldn’t even name it as abuse. This is exactly the same situation now globally.  Many people are still unaware that they’re being abused by the global controllers. When you read […] Read more »

Irrefutable Evidence the Virus is Man-made: Crimes Against Humanity

A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich from Germany have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. It’s being called The New Nuremberg Trials 2021. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is an international trial lawyer who has successfully sued large fraudulent corporations like Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank. Recently he hosted Dr. David Martin, a professional […] Read more »

Canadian Doctors Speak Out

Important video for Canadian parents and all those who want to understand: how medical truth is being suppressed in Canada (including by the College of Physicians and Surgeons) how coercion is being used to administer vaccines how the current vaccines are different than others why they cause adverse reactions how the testing that was done was inappropriate the increase in suicide rates for children how Vitamin D and ivermectin are […] Read more »

Institutional Child Trafficking – SHARE WIDELY

An excellent video series of mothers and fathers sharing their heart-breaking stories about how their children have been taken/kidnapped from them, by government and institutions, under false accusations, for the purposes of child trafficking. 12D Shields up, and eyes  and hearts open. These children of all ages are suffering: separated them from their parents, isolated, and trafficked. It’s important to raise your consciousness to this negative alien agenda to destroy […] Read more »

Health Protocol for Harm from the Injection & its Transmissions

Any information provided through these links is not intended to be taken as medical advice, binding or directive advice, or endorsement. Each user of this information is fully responsible and accountable for all their responses, actions and arising consequences. Practice discernment: be open-minded, take only what resonates, and do your own research. The care of a well-informed naturopath or homeopath would always be my suggestion. One naturopath I am aware […] Read more »