How Do I Trust When My Reality Turns Upside Down?

upside down reality

Like many, you may have the most difficulty trusting Spirit when you are faced with a sudden or shocking experience such as a lost job, sudden illness, an accident, or an end to a significant relationship. It can create a jolt to your perception of reality and shake your foundation that is your sense of stability and security. You may want to trust, but struggle with fear. Unfortunately, the fear […] Read more »

Lift Out of Depression

depressed girl

Depression is one of the most common complaints for which my clients seek healing support. Gratefully, I am able to tell them that energy psychotherapy quite easily addresses depression regardless of the form in which it presents itself. Often people find themselves in recurring, distinctive periods of depression. They don’t know what prompts its return and have tried various medications and other conventional and alternative therapies without permanently letting go […] Read more »