“Why Blame Me?”: scapegoating, betrayal and disconnection from God


It is an unfortunate fact that, often times, those who uphold the truth are not seen as the Light that they are.  Instead, as the one that “stands out from the rest”, we can be targeted, attacked, made the scapegoat and betrayed. There is a long history of spiritual leaders, humanitarians and Lightholders being persecuted for their God-power, and those traumatizing memories and patterns remain in the dark recesses of […] Read more »

Who Are You Choosing to Protect?


“I need to be okay” is the conditioned mantra of the human mind, so the ego pursues a need to justify itself, even if it has to ignore the painful issues in one’s life. These ego defenses are not to be confused with defending the truth. Clarifying the difference may make all the difference in the world right now, and whether you descend through the perpetuation of self-deceptions or serve […] Read more »