Answering God’s Call

In the early days of my healing practice, I used to hear this a lot: “When am I going to get it?” People had a sense that something had not “snapped into place”, they were “not on board”, or not “stepping up”. It was for this reason that they had not aligned to their Spirit, and they were seeking that magical puzzle piece. For those journeying a while, it now […] Read more »

Coming to a Standstill


One day, months ago, I lay on my bed mid-afternoon and I couldn’t find a reason to move. It seemed that I couldn’t move, not even lift my baby finger or use my eyes to look around. I wasn’t meditating. It was just a few marvellous moments of deep, deep stillness. There was no ego-mind itching to analyze. There was no thinking. My body didn’t want to adjust itself or […] Read more »