Prayer for Abundance

As the Light of God that I AM
As the Love of God that I AM
As the Power of God that I AM
As the Truth of God that I AM

I declare, with inner knowing, that I dwell in the midst of Infinite Abundance. The Abundance of God is my Infinite, Eternal Source. I AM Unity.

The river of Life never stops flowing. It flows through me into lavish, creative expression, in expected and unexpected ways. God works in a myriad of wondrous ways to bless me.

I trust in God to provide for me. Nothing is too good to be true. Nothing is too wonderful to have happen. With God as my Source, anything and everything is possible. I AM infinite possibility.

I AM releasing the old and embracing the new. I cast all my burdens to God. My mind is quiet. My heart is open.

I now open my body, mind, emotions, Soul-Spirit, and heart to allow and receive my blessings to fulfill my highest God purpose here on Earth, in Service to Others. I lovingly command (insert whatever you want example: unconditional love, joy, wisdom, courage, freedom to choose, resources, technology, blessed money, etc.).

Beloved God, please rain these blessings down upon me now. (breathe and allow yourself to receive)

I AM grateful for all my blessings, and I let it be so in Divine Right Order, Timing and Harmony.

From this day forward I give freely and fearlessly to Life and God’s plan on Earth. I say “yes!” to Life, and I know that Life gives back to me with magnificent increase.

I wish the same blessings of God’s goodness for my family, my friends, and all human beings and God’s creatures on this Earth, as their Highest Selves will allow and as God would have it be.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. And so it is.


Adapted from Nicole Abundance and Joshua David Stone, Phd, Beyond Ascension