What to Expect, Fees, Agreements, Responsibilities (Terms & Conditions)

Up-dated September 29/24

The following is provided to clarify my intentions in offering my services and help you to understand your responsibilities as well. These contribute to strengthening the energetic structure of our working relationship and assist in creating a mutually supportive and harmonious energy exchange and agreement. I trust this will also answer many commonly asked questions.

Please take the time to read the following information before you call to inquire about an appointment.

When you pay for a healing session you give your consent and agree to all the following Terms and Conditions.

The Terms and Conditions stipulated here override any Terms and Conditions sent to you personally at any time.


The following information is included below in this order:

  • What I offer (and do not offer)
  • How sessions are facilitated
  • Healing consistency
  • Session intention and length
  • First session for new clients- fees, deposit and securing your appointment
  • My current hourly fees after the first session
  • Cancellation Policy: if you must cancel or reschedule a session appointment that is paid & secured
  • What to expect and your responsibilities


What I offer:

My practice is an integration of energy psychotherapy (otherwise known as spiritual, transpersonal or transformational psychotherapy, or holistic counselling) as well as energy healing, multi-dimensional ascension healing (AoA Hieros Gamos System- HGS) as guided, core pattern release/ego dismantling, vibrational healing with voice and self-mastery mentoring.

As your transformational guide, it is my responsibility to provide a safe space for you to share your experiences, issues, and feelings, and listen with non-judgment and compassion. I also ask questions to guide you in your exploration, highlight your choices, encourage you to express your feelings, challenge you, and identify your defenses.

Spirit is the healer. I am the vessel for the healing, and you hold the ultimate responsibility for your own well-being or your child or animal companion. You are fully responsible for your choices, actions, and the decision to undertake healing, for you or your child/children, and any animal companions, and any conditions that may or may not occur in conjunction with the healing. Please honour yourself & help me to help you in the best way possible. The benefit you derive from our work together depends upon your openness to the process, and your willingness & commitment to your spiritual growth. It’s up to you to actively participate with your consciousness expansion or the healing process for your child and animal companions.

To clarify expectations it’s helpful to say what I do not offer:

I am not a clinical or licensed psychotherapist, and my services are considered alternative or holistic.

The services I provide do not encompass diagnosing any disorder as found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or providing any medical diagnosis or treatment. My services are not intended as a substitute or cure for any disease, health condition or psychiatric/mental condition. No claim is made for the treatment or cure of any new or previous medical or psychiatric conditions. I do not advise or dispense medication/supplements, nor supervise any medication/supplements you may receive from other healthcare providers. I do not provide reports for insurance companies. The impact and effect from healing is individualized and dependent upon a wide array of influences, and therefore no guarantee of personal results can be made.

I do offer healing support for children and teens (age 17 and younger), though I am not trained to specifically work with children or teens: since my work with adults often encompasses emotional healing and inner child work, I have gained many insights over 20 years as to what is beneficial to a child’s psycho-spiritual development, and am guided in this healing work. I also support conscious couples though I am not a family systems therapist.

I also offer energetic healing for animal companions but I am not trained as a veterinarian, animal trainer, or animal behaviourist.

I kindly ask that you make me aware of additional care you are currently receiving by any other coach/counselor/physician/alternative or complementary healthcare practitioner as it may impact our work together. I also believe it is your responsibility to let any other counselor or healthcare practitioner working with you to know of our work together. Where you feel it would be to your advantage, with discernment, please feel free to pass along my web address to provide an understanding of the services that I offer.

How sessions are facilitated:

Individual healing sessions and couples sessions are currently facilitated by phone or skype (voice only). They are equally as effective as in-person sessions since I am working with energy beyond space-time. In-person sessions are considered on a case-by-case basis if there is some reason it would be essential to the healing. Geographic location is not a consideration though clients must speak English. You are responsible for calling me and therefore, any long distance charges that apply. If you live outside of Canada, please be sure that you are prepared to call to Canada.

A healing session for a child (age 17 and younger) is typically facilitated in the child’s absence, with his/her Higher Self, through the Avatar of Ascension Hieros Gamos System (HGS). When requesting healing for older children, it is wise, out of respect for their sovereignty, to have them be aware of the healing facilitated on their behalf, and to have them choose whether they would like the healing session.

However, you are the guardian of your child, and our communication about your child and support of your child is conducted through you: you would be providing any informational input and follow-up as we discern progress and next steps throughout the healing process. The extent of this varies depending on your child’s needs and how we choose to move forward together.

Your involvement can take several formats:

  • you may wish to speak with me at the start of a healing session only to provide input, and then leave the session space as I complete the session long distance for your child. You receive summary session notes after the session by e-mail.
  • you may wish to stay in the session space with me throughout the entire session, to first provide input and then participate with what is unfolding in the session
  •  you may wish to receive healing support for yourself to focus on your personal concerns that are impacting your relationship with your child, or arising from your child’s needs and their journey

Therefore, the balance of these guidelines below apply, even if you are engaging with me on behalf of your child. I address requests for healing children and teens on a case-by-case basis, depending on your child’s needs.

A healing session for an animal companion is typically similar to how I address healing for a child, as detailed above. The balance of these guidelines below also apply if you are engaging with me on behalf of your animal companion, as would be applicable.

Healing consistency:

The healing journey is unique to each person. The number of sessions required is dependent upon the concern(s) you wish to address and several variables (please watch my YouTube video: Melinda Urban Energy Psychotherapy & Healing – Managing Healing Session Expectations). One issue can require several sessions to address its various aspects, but this will unfold organically. While I always hold the highest intention for the most transformative healing possible for you, I cannot predict or guarantee how your consciousness will process your inner work.

It is recommended that you commit to yourself to have consistent, consecutive sessions to experience the greatest momentum and most powerful healing benefits in your spiritual evolution. This is often every 2-3 weeks, however, you may need more time between sessions for integration, or wish to do sessions more frequently.

If resources limit you from attending consecutive sessions please make a commitment to yourself to create change, begin the process and then have a session whenever it’s possible. It is helpful to embark on any healing in the best way you can. Even one session can possibly bring about significant change.

I arrange my schedule to make wise use of my energy, so appointments are booked on a first-come first-served basis with payment. To reserve an appointment space it is ideal to book your next appointment at the end of a session, in order to help you to keep your commitment to yourself.

If you are engaging in regular, consecutive sessions, you may choose to stop at any time, however I kindly ask that you provide advance notice of at least one session so that we may provide closure for you.

Session intention & length:

The intention with each healing session is to create movement and change for you, clear the root cause as per our intention and guidance, be as thorough as possible, and bring the session to a stable closure. With an integrated approach that often requires that you move through your emotions and raise your consciousness, it takes time to complete your processing on an issue. First sessions are kept to 2 hours maximum. Subsequent sessions are 2 hours as a minimum, and can be longer. Sometimes, it can take about 3.5 hours. It is ideal to keep the session open-ended. They are in-depth/intensive sessions, and please consider that depending on length, one of these sessions can be the equivalent of 2-4 sessions with another practitioner. Please allow yourself adequate time for the organic nature of our sessions. It is incumbent upon both of us to watch the time, and the fee will be pro-rated accordingly.

If you feel that you cannot keep the session open-ended and wish to put a boundary on the time it’s understandable. You are free to book a session for 1, 2, 2.5, or 3 hours – please see below for details. Please let me know upon booking so that I can schedule my time as well.

1-hour sessions are for purely vibrational healing only without counselling, or those new to healing. AoA Hieros Gamos multi-dimensional clearing, for you or your child or animal companion, is not possible within an hour. Suitability of AoA Hieros Gamos clearing is considered individually for each client, and some preparation for calibration is often required.

The intention is always held for the most transformative session possible for you regardless of session length. Please view this video to manage your expectations.

First session for new clients – fee, deposit & securing your appointment:

When contacting me for the first time, you are kindly asked to complete a brief questionnaire to create greater ease in connecting, ensuring resonance, and arranging appointment logistics. I appreciate your time and energy that it takes to do so, so please, make your request only when you know you want to receive healing support and are ready to book your appointment. It’s common for ego resistance to arise when your Spirit wants to move forward, so your conscious choice is required. It also takes my time and energy to reply to you, so please respect that with your sincere request, and please also be prepared to follow through when you hear from me.

After you send me your completed questionnaire, you will be sent an e-mail that will include possible session dates from which to choose, and the Terms and Conditions described on this webpage, with an additional Consent Form. At the same time, the Paypal invoice will also be sent directly from Paypal.

The Paypal invoice for the session fee is calculated based upon the length of session you reserve, 1 or 2 hours. Payment will only be accepted by this invoice so please do not send money. You do not need to have an account with PayPal to use the service. Just follow the link on the invoice sent to you. A nominal administration fee of a few dollars (approximately $3.30-$4.90/$100 CAD depending on location of your residence) will apply to each Paypal invoice payment. Your Paypal receipts serve as your tax receipts so please keep them for your records.

You do not have an appointment with me until you provide your payment and consent. I arrange my schedule to make wise use of my energy, so appointments are booked on a first-come first-served basis and I confirm sessions in the order I receive payment. Therefore, it is advisable to secure your appointment right away upon receipt of the Terms and your Paypal invoice, or you may find that your preferred appointment time has been offered to another client.

Once I receive your payment and consent, and assuming your requested session space is still available, I will confirm your session appointment date/time by e-mail. If your preferred session space is no longer available, we will find another mutually available time and your paid fee is applied.

Please safelist or add my e-mail address to your contacts and/or check your junk mail/spam/promotions tab to be sure you receive all correspondence from me. This is especially true for gmail. Please note than any e-mails I send to hotmail and yahoo addresses are often undelivered or are delayed for up to 72 hours and this can complicate our communications. This is beyond my control, so, if possible, please use an alternative e-mail.

1-hour session:

Individual counselling/healing: $173 CAD (plus tax for Canadians, as applicable, & transaction fee) by PayPal (www.PayPal.com) in advance of the first session. This covers one hour at a slightly higher rate due to administration, and this is within the first session only. [1-hour sessions are only for purely vibrational healing without counselling or for those new to healing.]

2-hour session maximum:

Individual counselling/healing: $321 CAD (plus tax for Canadians, as applicable, & transaction fee) deposit by PayPal (www.PayPal.com) in advance of the first session. This covers the first two hours at a slightly higher rate due to administration, and this is within the first session only.

Couples counselling: $401 CAD (plus tax for Canadians, as applicable, & transaction fee) deposit by PayPal (www.PayPal.com) in advance of the first session. This covers the first two hours at a slightly higher rate due to administration, and this is within the first session only.

The total fee is always based upon my time and energy that is devoted to your healing  in the total time we spend together, and is non-negotiable. Sometimes you may prefer to keep following the energy of the session beyond the booked time, however for first sessions we keep the timeframe to what we scheduled based upon the fee paid.

However, if I am willing and able to exceed the paid time, and you agree, additional time is pro-rated and charged based upon my current hourly fee of $148 CAD/hour for individual healing or $188 CAD/hour for couples counselling (plus tax for Canadians, as applicable, & transaction fee). It is incumbent upon both of us to watch the time, and the fee will be pro-rated accordingly.

For any balance owing of any additional charges, a Paypal invoice will be sent to you right after the session, and the payment is due upon receipt. You are responsible for following up promptly and making this payment, no exceptions. Please check your junk mail/spam/promotions tab if you do not see it.

All fees charged and payments made are non-negotiable and non-refundable including your session deposit payment, and any additional fees incurred after the session has been facilitated.

All fees from an appointment must be paid prior to securing a subsequent appointment.

Subsequent appointments – fee, and booking your appointment:

Booking a subsequent healing session is quick and easy if you take the time to be clear in your request. Please make your request for an appointment by e-mail only when you are clear that you want to receive healing support and are ready to book your appointment. I cannot know you’re schedule, so to make it easier and save time and energy for us both, please indicate some dates you prefer your appointment and when you’re available. Otherwise, you will be offered my next available session spaces, with the understanding that you’re available anytime. I will do my best to accommodate you within my office hours, and reply so that we can agree on a session date/time.  Please also be prepared to follow through when you hear from me.

Once we agree on a date, you will receive a Paypal invoice directly from Paypal to book your session. You do not have an appointment with me until you provide your payment. I arrange my schedule to make wise use of my energy, so appointments are booked on a first-come first-served basis and I confirm sessions in the order I receive payment. Therefore, it is advisable to secure your appointment right away upon receipt your Paypal invoice, or you may find that your requested appointment date/time has been offered to another client.

Your deposit invoice is calculated based upon the length of session you reserve.  Payment will only be accepted by this invoice so please do not send money. You do not need to have an account with PayPal to use the service. Just follow the link in the invoice sent to you. A nominal administration fee of a few dollars (approximately $3.30-$4.90/$100 CAD depending on location of your residence) will apply to each Paypal invoice payment. Your Paypal receipts serve as your tax receipts so please keep them for your records.

If you worked with me in the past but it’s been 2 or more years since our last appointment you may be asked to up-date your contact information and consent. A new consent form will be sent to you for you to complete and return prior to your session.

Once I receive your payment, and consent if applicable, I will confirm your session appointment date/time by e-mail. 

Please safelist or add my e-mail address to your contacts and/or check your junk mail/spam/promotions tab to be sure you receive all correspondence from me. This is especially true for gmail. Please note than any e-mails I send to hotmail and yahoo addresses are often undelivered or are delayed for up to 72 hours and this can complicate our communications. This is beyond my control, so, if possible, please use an alternative e-mail.

1-hour session:

Individual counselling/healing: $148 CAD/hour (plus tax for Canadians, as applicable, & transaction fee). [1-hour sessions are only for purely vibrational healing, intuitive readings/Q&A format, and for those new to healing.]

2-hour session or longer:

Individual counselling/healing: $148 CAD/hour (plus tax for Canadians, as applicable, & transaction fee). For example, a 2-hour session is $296 pre-tax, and a 3.5 hour session would be $518.00 CAD pre-tax.

Couples counselling: $188 CAD/hour (plus tax for Canadians, as applicable, & transaction fee). For example, a 2-hour session is $376 pre-tax, and a 3.5 hour session would be $658.00 CAD pre-tax.

The total fee is always based upon my time and energy that is devoted to your healing in the total time we spend together, and is non-negotiable. Sometimes you may prefer to keep following the energy beyond the booked and paid time.  If we exceed the agreed upon booked and paid time, additional time is pro-rated and charged based upon my current hourly fee above. It is incumbent upon both of us to watch the time, and the fee will be pro-rated accordingly.

For any balance owing of any additional charges beyond the booked and paid time, a Paypal invoice will be sent to you right after the session, and the payment is due in full then, upon receipt. You are responsible for following up promptly and making this payment, no exceptions. Please check your junk mail/spam/promotions tab if you do not see it. 

All fees charged and payments made are non-negotiable and non-refundable including your session deposit payment, and any additional fees incurred after the session has been facilitated.

All fees from an appointment must be paid prior to securing a subsequent appointment.

Full payment is due at the end of each and every session upon invoice receipt.

You will be charged the current processing fee for any and all payments returned with non-sufficient funds, as applicable.

Some insurance providers may cover my services but it is up to you to discern that. It’s also possible that you can submit your receipts as health expenses on your income tax reporting, but I cannot advise on this and it’s your responsibility to check with your tax advisor. I do not provide any reports for insurance purposes nor communicate with them.

Cancellation Policy: if you must cancel or reschedule a session appointment that is paid & secured:

  • Minimum 48-hours notice required for appointment change or you are charged a cancellation fee.
  • If requested, paid session appointments can be rescheduled to be sooner than the appointment you booked, if session space is available. If session space is available, the fee you already paid will be applied. If session space is not available, your paid fee will not be refunded.
  • If necessary, paid session appointments can be rescheduled to a mutually available later date-time, however the next appointment must be within the following 2 weeks/14 business days of your scheduled appointment in order to apply the fee that you’ve already paid. 
  • Appointments can be rescheduled only once as noted above in order for any fee that you’ve paid to be reapplied. 
  • Session fees that have been paid are not transferable to an appointment for another person. 
  • All fees are non-negotiable. All fees charged and payments made are non-negotiable and non-refundable after deposit payment, and after the session has been facilitated.

See below for all details that apply.

I acknowledge that when you book an appointment with me you are investing your money, time and energy, so these cancellation policies have been given careful consideration and have been created with an intention of fairness to all parties. 99% of the time these policies are not needed as there is mutual respect between me and my clients. However, please note these policies so that there is no misunderstanding.

Moving a paid and secured appointment to an earlier date that what we have scheduled is certainly possible, assuming there is space in my schedule. I will do my best to accommodate you. Sometimes however, something may arise and you may wish to move your appointment to a later date. In this case, please note the policies below.

I arrange my time to make intelligent use of my energy. My time with you matters to me, and if we have an appointment scheduled it means I have set aside time in my day for you and scheduled around our appointment. If you must make a change to your paid and secured appointment, it’s always helpful for me to have as much notice as possible, and I appreciate your consideration. Advance notice provides me with the opportunity to possibly offer that time to another client or use that time wisely otherwise.

Please notify me of any change you wish to make to your appointment by e-mail (not skype or text). Please do so by phone only if you’re unable to send an e-mail. My e-mail reply back to you is confirmation of the change. If you do not hear from me, please consider that internet or the power may be down and/or I have not received your e-mail for some technical reason. Please call 613-253-2888 or try again.

If you miss your appointment and I have not received any notification from you, or you provide less than 48-hours notice, you will be charged a fee of $100 CAD (plus tax as applicable & transaction), without exception. This charge is invoiced to you through Paypal and payment is due upon receipt. This is non-negotiable. 48 hours is calculated according to the time I receive your notification by e-mail and the appointment time I have noted for you in my schedule.

If you do not pay the missed appointment/late cancellation fee, you cannot reschedule another appointment, and the fee you paid for your session will not be refunded.

Once you pay the missed appointment/late cancellation fee upon receipt of the invoice, we can reschedule the session within the following 2 weeks/14 business weekdays of the appointment you missed.  The fee you had paid for the scheduled appointment is applied to the next appointment if, and only if, you reschedule within 2 weeks/14 business weekdays. If you do not reschedule within 2 weeks/14 business weekdays, your fee will not be refunded.

If your session has been paid with a gift certificate the missed appointment/cancellation fee will be deducted from the available amount and respective session time, reducing the available session time.

If you wish to change your scheduled paid appointment and give me 48-hours notice or more, you may reschedule within the following 2 weeks/14 business weekdays in order for the fee you had paid to be applied. The fee can be reapplied to that session only. If you do not reschedule within 2 weeks/14 business weekdays, your fee will not be refunded. However, you’re then welcome to arrange and pay for a new appointment.

2 weeks/14 business weekdays is calculated from the date and EST time I have a secured appointment with you noted in my schedule. A payment can only be applied to one rescheduling.

If I must cancel a secured, paid appointment, due to illness or circumstances beyond my control, I will always provide as much notice as possible to you by e-mail, or phone if necessary. If we are unable to reschedule an appointment within the timeframes stipulated above due to my schedule then I will first consider extending the period in which we reschedule up to a month. If we still cannot fairly find a mutually suitable time due to my schedule the fee you paid to secure your session will be refunded in full. I retain the right to withhold $40 CAD of the fee paid (plus the tax for Canadians, as applicable, & transaction fee). Any of your outstanding missed appointment/cancellation fees must still be paid, and if they are still not paid at the time of the refund, the missed appointment/cancellation fee will be deducted from the refund.

All fees charged and payments made are non-negotiable and non-refundable including your session deposit payment, and any additional fees incurred after the session has been facilitated. Any appointment and fee paid to book an appointment may not be transferred to another person.

What to expect and your responsibilities:

Before the session:

Aside from the intake process, which is typically in the first session, you lead the session. It’s helpful to take a few quiet minutes before each session to review what has been foremost in your awareness between sessions and to clarify your healing intention. Then together we discern our healing focus.

In order to respect both our schedules please be prompt for your appointment. For phone/skype sessions it is your responsibility to call me at the appointed time. I’m located near Ottawa, Ontario Canada (EST) so please be sure that you can call Canada, and long distance if that’s required. Please let me know in advance if you wish to skype.

Given the rampant interference of negative energetic forces it is imperative that you cleanse your lightbody of negative forces prior to the session. I request that you use the following meditation: “Clearing Negative Energies” found under FREE Tools on my website. You may be asked to do this more than once prior to the session. It is a powerful meditation and can serve as a staple in your spiritual tool kit.

For those who may be receiving through the AoA Hieros Gamos System, as guided, the HGS Calibration Meditation is often necessary. You will be provided with this meditation if that is the case.

During the session:

Your full presence is required. This is a sacred healing space and requires my full and focused presence as well. Please do not multi-task at any time and please be sure that you have privacy, and remain free of interruptions and distractions during the entire session. Please have your phone battery adequately charged if necessary, and please turn off all other cell phones or communication devices. This is all helpful to both of us to maximize focus and minimize interference.

I can only provide guidance with respect to the issues you identify and express to me, so please do your very best to be honest, and fully present, focused and willing to do your work. Moving through change can be uncomfortable at times. Resistance is quite common in a session, and it’s my role to gently guide you through this to bring you to your deeper insights. This is one way that change is created for you. However, should there be anything in our session that makes you extremely uncomfortable, please bring it to my attention in the moment.

In the first session, I ask specific questions to gather an overview of your history and what may be impacting your current concerns (or concerns for your child or animal companion). The intake is focused with these concern(s) in mind so that we make the most effective use of our time together. This process gives me insights, and can serve to catalyze your inner awareness, especially if you are beginning your healing journey or beginning emotional clearing work. The extent of this intake will depend on your healing experience, and may be the entire first session or part of it. It’s especially valuable if you are intending to work with me on an on-going basis.

In each subsequent session, we begin each session with a conversation to understand your intention, as well as what your experiences have been as a follow-up to a previous session. This provides continuity in your healing journey. Together we further discern our healing focus, and I ask for higher guidance as well so that we move to the most effective healing at the core of your concern at this timing in your development.  I then follow my intuition to whichever combination of tools and techniques would be most effective to guide you and bring healing to you/your child/your animal companion.

Your priority is to stay focused on your inner awareness during session, so constant note-taking is discouraged. However, I acknowledge that you receive lots of helpful information during a session so if you wish to take the time to make a note of something significant during or at the end of a session, please let me know and we can create the space for that.

Any information or suggestions provided by me is at no time to be construed as binding advice or directives. You have full responsibility and accountability for all actions and consequences arising from our work together.

You may not attend any session under the influence of recreational drugs or alcohol as this prevents us from maximizing the benefits of the session. I reserve the right to cancel the session and charge you my full fee for the reserved session time if you do so. Please refrain from chewing gum/candy, consuming caffeine, smoking, or eating during session as this interferes with your processing. However, replenishing your body with water is essential. Please come to session free of distractions, and centred as best possible. It’s very rare that I take in-person sessions. However, if you are attending in person, to accommodate chemical sensitivities and allergies, please refrain from wearing any scented products, and ensure your clothes and belongings are free from any cigarette-smoke odours.

Each session is conducted with an understanding of strict confidentiality. All records are also kept strictly confidential. Please note that there are limits to the confidentiality when it comes to my knowledge that you may harm yourself or another person. In addition, on very rare occasions, if another therapist is consulted when issues arise that are outside my area of expertise, you will not be identified by name without your permission. If I feel our work is outside the realm of my expertise, then I will refer you to another therapist if possible. I retain the right to terminate therapy at any time and explain my reasons for doing so.

After the session:

It’s up to you to invest your time and effort to expand your consciousness, outside of the session. Spending some quiet time to journal or absorb the learning in your session will also deepen the healing.

I do not provide written session summaries to you, as I trust that you receive what you need in the moment, and what matters is what you take away from session. I will sometimes e-mail you suggested exercises or tools if and as they arise from the session, but it’s your responsibility to note what’s been suggested to you for further self-support and integration. For sessions fully facilitated in your absence/your child’s absence/or for your animal companion, a summary record of the session work is sent to you by e-mail.

Completion of the exercises that you do on your own, outside of session, will greatly enhance our work together and your progress. Please bring completed exercises back with you to the next session to possibly further learn from them. After the session, as you integrate the healing, it’s up to you to stay aware of how your experience of yourself has shifted– what’s changed and also what is rising to the surface of your consciousness as the next organic layer to address. This is input for the next session.

Current clients – urgent support between appointments:

Please allow time for session integration and use the tools suggested so that you learn to support yourself. It’s often the case that once the session integrates, the next layer in your consciousness that requires healing will surface and this is addressed in another separate session. However, if, at the rare time, if what’s surfacing in your experience from our session feels emotionally unmanageable and urgent, and you would like my support, please contact me by phone and let me know it’s urgent if you get my voice mail. Please respectfully choose to call during my office hours if at all possible, and let me know when and at what number you can best be reached. Depending on the circumstances, we will either help you to move through your difficulty in the moment and/or arrange a session as soon as possible. Charges will apply according to individual circumstances, and the length of our time spent together, based on my current hourly rate.

Please note that I do not offer emergency services. If you are suicidal or in addiction crisis, please call your local support services who specialize in these matters.

I do not provide same-day appointments.

I retain the right at my sole discretion to refuse servicing an established client or a prospective client, and will so advise the individual at the earliest possible time, stating my reasons for doing so.

I reserve the right to change these Terms and Conditions at my sole discretion without my notifying you, though I do make an effort to do so when substantial changes are being made. The Terms and Conditions stipulated on this webpage are always most up-to-date and override the Terms and Conditions sent to you personally at any time.

These Terms and Conditions form the stable foundation for our working relationship, as well as the essential energetic structure that allows me to continue offering my healing services. Please respect them.

Thanks for taking the time to review this. You can find more answers at Frequently Asked Questions. I would be happy to also answer any questions about the above-noted terms and conditions by e-mail.

Book your appointment now. You deserve to live with peace and freedom. If not now, when?